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05/15/2024 05:35:26

How did we get to Wednesday, middle of May?  Where did the month go?  


We still have 5 weeks of Spring left and we are in the 90's already!  

Find somewhere to take a dip and cool off if your temperatures are too hot.  


You are always welcome on our patio.  Yesterday a hummingbird flew up to this feeder, saw me, flew toward me, scared me, and then I scared him.  


Even with temperatures climbing, there is nothing like getting some natural Vitamin D.  So come on over any time.  You know where I will be, watching the birds.  


05/15/2024 04:04:50

05/15/2024 01:30:26

Hello dear friend...enjoy a nice Wednesday! Kisses for you.

05/15/2024 00:58:21

05/15/2024 00:14:50


Beautiful day for you dear friend :)


05/14/2024 22:41:14

Hello Sweetness!

I wanna be that Fantasy    that you     got on  your mind.

Your clothes, the aroma of your cologne,is so intoxicating....

Shhhh my Angel don't say a wordI've been waiting for this moment, the day, has now slipped away it'sour time Shhhh my angel the stars are just right, this is our special nightwhisper, kiss me until the starsdisappear into the midnight leavingonly daylight, Shhhh.....

Don't bite your lipI want to do that          for you.

Baby, Kiss me         like you        miss me..

 Welcome to Heaven!

       Baby, Your Pleasure         is my     Priority.

Love            me             till       I'm me           again.

     Shhhhh  I'm gonna   make you     feel so       good.

Be her strength, but make herweak at  the knees.

Every woman needs aman that teaches herhow to explore allher Dark fantasies.

     who's      yourDaddy?

05/14/2024 20:35:33

Evening June, it was 73 and still 73 a5 6:30 p.m. Mowed the grass earlier. Tomorrow it is suppose to be the same temp as today and thursday 80. Tomorrow to Harrisburg 5 miles north to the discount Grocery Stor. Grocery Deal. Funny you say Dollar Store, it is not that anymore. 1.25 for  most things and there are food items for 3 and 5 dollars. So really it is a 1.25 Store. Tomorrow is the 15th the middle of the month. Have a good night and a great day tomorrow. Bro. Doc

Evening was a beautiful day., hit 80.. but tomorrow they say rain..

i went and had my nails done., coffee., dollar store and stop and shop.

I hope you had a great Tuesday., see you in the morning.

hugs  june


05/14/2024 20:32:49

05/14/2024 19:21:32
Hope you have a good night june. so glad everything went well today

05/14/2024 18:10:24

Tattoo Tuesday


05/14/2024 18:09:15


05/14/2024 18:09:06

Its been a busy day but I wanted to stop in to say good night..Hope you had a good day

05/14/2024 18:05:43

05/14/2024 17:35:51
“Good evening! Let the beauty of the setting sun remind you that there’s always something wonderful to look forward to.

Thank you, Hugzz & kissezz...Maria xo

05/14/2024 17:18:38

God Is light and in him there is no darkness.

St John 1: 5

05/14/2024 16:27:06

05/14/2024 13:49:20



05/14/2024 13:47:41

Hugs and Blessings.

05/14/2024 13:41:00

Peace and love to MyBoomerPlace 

on this friendly Taco 


05/14/2024 13:22:00

05/14/2024 13:20:16

Here is my gift for you my friend..
many :))) Jo

05/14/2024 12:47:24

Between what is said and not meant, 

and what is meant and not said, 

most of love is lost.

~ Khalil Gibran ~

05/14/2024 12:26:44

Enjoy your Day no matter what you do 

05/14/2024 12:20:05

Love from me to you...

05/14/2024 12:19:25

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