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01/13/2025 05:34:50

Happy Monday,Have a great new week..Love and kisses ! smiley-wink.gif

01/13/2025 05:34:23


01/13/2025 05:27:57


I wonder what blessings this week will bring us.  


It was a beautiful day yesterday with sunshine and mid 50's.  The birds had so much fun eating seeds!  


The bright red color of the cardinals getting on and off the feeder always catches your eyes.  


As well as all the little bitty birds going from the feeder to the ground so as not to miss a bite. 



Birds singing and feasting in winter is just another reminder that it is 2025!  Have you dated anything yet to remind you of the new year?  


01/13/2025 05:20:33

Hello Sweetness!

Art should be something thatLiberates your soul, provokesthe imagination and encourages people to go further.    --- Keith Harring ---

01/13/2025 05:09:43

Hello Sweetness!

Today s good mood issponserd by Coffee ☕

01/13/2025 04:24:24

01/13/2025 03:03:28

01/13/2025 03:03:19

01/12/2025 20:32:36

        Sweet dreams, LV. Barb XXOO 


01/12/2025 19:11:26

01/12/2025 19:08:53

Good Evening June, was a nice day until not long ago when the rain came. I made a soup which has rice, ground chicken, mixted vegetables, and some spicy turkey and cream of chicken soup in a metal cooking put of about 5 qts. So that was nice. Make the house smell nice. Tomorrow will be a month since Joyce died at 10:30 p.m. Doesn't seem that long. Take care and have a good evening. Bro. Doc

Evening, was a pretty good day sun was shining., melted a lot of snow

the roads are nice and clear.,  meet the girls for coffee.

hope your having  good day., took italian gravy out of the freezer for tomorrow dinner., my son will be by.

hope your having a good day., see you tomorrow.


01/12/2025 19:05:45

The American Legion has a set PUFL fee and all pay the same. But in the long run you save as like me I could be a PUFL 20 years. Bro. Doc

Brodoc wrote:

    am  also  paid for life  but i din't paid that  much it goes by age

I am a PUFL (Paid Up For Life) American Legion. When I became a PUFL 5 years ago it was 650.00 to become one. This means and I am sure it is the same with the VFW you can go anywhere there is a VFW or AL and visit their meetings. In the American Legion you can not having any alcohol until after the meeting is over and you are dismissed. Take Care. Bro. Doc

Brodoc wrote:

    am a life member.,  but  my quite  the board 

If that be the case I would not be there of any meeting or anything else. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:

They all drink but me


Between you and me June, I think they go to these meeting to drink and get wasted. I do know that that in the American Legion if you have been drinking and you have to vote on something you can't if you been drinking. I am not sure how the VFW works on that. It is a waste. Bro. Doc






01/12/2025 18:24:17

01/12/2025 18:08:10

01/12/2025 17:55:57
Good night june, your son didn't come to clean your car today?

01/12/2025 17:37:55

Story pin image

Magic Saturday

01/12/2025 17:29:15


01/12/2025 17:01:50

*Winter Beauty*

01/12/2025 16:00:14

*Have a blessed Sunday*

01/12/2025 15:22:58

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV ~ Sunday Blessings and Prayers, my friend.







May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NIV

01/12/2025 14:43:05

01/12/2025 13:27:30

01/12/2025 12:54:25

Hoping anyone here isn't buried in this snow/ice..

Hoping you still have power to your homes also

01/12/2025 12:38:38

01/12/2025 12:02:25

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Sunday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

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