“Reflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” ― Charles Dickens ~ Saturday night dress up friend, Enjoy.
"In the winter she curls up around a good book and dreams away the cold." – Ben Aaronovitch
I am a PUFL (Paid Up For Life) American Legion. When I became a PUFL 5 years ago it was 650.00 to become one. This means and I am sure it is the same with the VFW you can go anywhere there is a VFW or AL and visit their meetings. In the American Legion you can not having any alcohol until after the meeting is over and you are dismissed. Take Care. Bro. Doc
Brodoc wrote:
am a life member., but my quite the board
If that be the case I would not be there of any meeting or anything else. Bro. Doc
june711 wrote:
They all drink but me
Between you and me June, I think they go to these meeting to drink and get wasted. I do know that that in the American Legion if you have been drinking and you have to vote on something you can't if you been drinking. I am not sure how the VFW works on that. It is a waste. Bro. Doc
They caught him has to pay back and sell all assetst was investment cbli the name
A Friend of mine about 5 years went through the same things and the Bank employee had to pay it back but to this day he has only got 2,000 of the 95,000 he stole. And the guy never has been in jail. I hope you get yours sooner than later. Bro. Doc
Brodoc wrote:
Good Evening June, now whatever Bank the Employee stole your money would make me want out of that Bank. How could someone do that and not get caught before it happens. The Credit Union is the place to be. Your money will take a long while to come to you. The Bank in most cases will want the person that stole the money to pay it back and if they don't have it, you will have to file in court to get real property or something of value to pay for what he stole. It might not be the glasses that is the problem, it could be the eye surgery that is causing the problem. I did for the first time in my life go to the Senior Center today and had lunch with those that go. I had salad and homemade bread and homemade desert and I could of had chile but didn't. Next week I might see what goes on at the Community Center. For our town being 7,032 people we still have a few things we can do which is nice. Have a good day tomorrow. Bro. Doc
Evening expecting some snow tonight into tomorrow
went to the bank., to file report to get my money that was stolen from a bank employee not just me., he took 50,000.,of mine bought a house, cars ,trips etc but they caught him ., now its court time., so i wait for my money, got my new glasses but i don't see well with them will be going back.
then went for coffee., and after went and bought me a sandwich for dinner.,,
hope your day was better., see you in the morning.
"Being sexy is all about attitude, not body type. It's a state of mind." —Amisha Patel Sexy, sultry second Saturday of January stay safe dry and warm friend
“There’s one more thing I want to say. It’s a touchy subject. Black beauty. Black sensuality. We live in a culture where the beauty of black people isn’t always as celebrated as other types. I’d like to help change that if I can!” — Jody Watley