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When I get where I'm going......

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
74 years old
Eastman, Georgia
United States
Profile Views: 163
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/13/2006
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LAST LOGIN: 09/17/2006 11:59:37

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Forest Gump.
Braveheart, anything with Mel Gibson actually.
All movies about horses, Black Beauty, Dreamer, The horse Whisperer, Sea Biscuit, etc.
Most all comedies

I love all kinds of music. I tend to listen to mostly country, but I also love classic rock, R&B, oldies, and even some rap or hip hop. Christian rock too!
If it's a good song it really doesn't matter what class it's in.

The Bible

Horseback riding, just about anything that requires the outdoors.

I'm easy to get along with and have a great sense of humor.
I very thoughtful of others. I tend to put others before myself.
I don't like big cities except to visit. I live in the country off a dirt road and I love it!
I have 2 horses and 3 dogs.
I'm not in to a lot of material things. I don't have to keep up with the "Jones"
I pretty much live with the basic things I have(and/or) need.

Guys that know how to treat a woman.You know, the romantic type, etc.
Being spontaneous.
Longer hair than most men.
Guys with trucks.
Guys that love attention and affection.

Liers, cheaters, being loud and obnoxious.
Couch potatoes, alcoholics, slobs, and guys with no job or means of legal income.
Guys with no means of transportation or a place of their own.
Cussing, it sounds like h__l!

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