I am a pretty straight forward kind of women..We are who we are and lies and acting differently then what we are to make impressions was never something I thought made any sense.The only way I feel I am going to be happy in my life and with myelf..is to be myself.
I try to treat people like I like to be treated myself, I try not to make first impressions,even though one of the biggest mistakes in my life made by me and me alone was going on a first impression and I paid for that mistake.
I feel family is everything and I tried to teach that to my to sons.Friends are also important, if you don't have family some friendships grow to be like family, I have a few like that.
Life is what you make it,I try not to live in the past, even though we run into a few challenges that may go wrong ..Ka Sara Sara, move on and get over it.
I work two jobs, to make ends meet.And that's fine,I sometimes don't feel like going, but things I need and things I want in life have to be worked for, no one is going to hand it to me.
Life can be a puzzle..to be happy we have to figure out what we want to best make us happy..and put it together the best we can.