Chapter Next: Empty nest
Female 75 years old Flower Mound, Texas United States Profile Views: 152
    [ 24418 ]
12/17/2007 09:11:09 |
yes Esp. drama and action adventure
New Age---I am a Massage therapist
Eclectic, somedays nothing sounds right, somedays I can enjoy anything, almost.
Jonathan & Fay Kellerman,
Clive Cussler
CHORAL MUSIC, Mah Jong, the game, (not matching maj tiles.)
After 36 Years as a Respiratory Therapist, I am recreating a more mellow existence as a Massage Therapist. I am good, too.
Human Excellence. Beautiful Music, Poetry, Dramatic films and theater. cute stuff like well behaved children and small animals.
People on the road who think they are the only ones in a hurry.
People who throw cigarette butts and other litter out their car window.
Women who tinkle on the seat so they don't have to sit in someone else's tinkle. and Toilets that flush so hard they sprinkle themselves And In any Business Why can't they keep the seat bolted down properly?
World turmoil.Human misunderstanding
People who believe their religion & faith is just right for everyone else, and act on it.