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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
61 years old
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/13/2011
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LAST LOGIN: 11/14/2011 16:55:55

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I have to admit I love big band and Glenn Miller is my favorite and a good dance,lol But my first favorite is a great worship service and I would love to be in a Paul Wilber worship service,,,,,ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes a good ole Spirit moving experience and dancing in the Spirit. oh yeah href="http://www.spiritualgraphics.com"Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am just me. I love the Lord and I want desprately to serve him in this end time stage that has been set before us. I am not perfect and my concerns are layed at His feet. My greatest desire is to do what God wants me to do. Every time I think I am doing something that remotely seems like its what I am suppose to be doing I start feeling like its not, soooooooo how do you know what Gods plan is for your life? Well I always say to others,,,,"Do what you know to do and the Lord will take over." So I just keep doing what I know and when I look back I can see I am the one who steps off track so just maybe I was walking in his plan and trippppppppped off the path........... But he is so wonderful to put me back on the right path again. One thing I do know is when I step foot out in front of me its in trust and faith, and when its wrong, believe me I will know it, learn from it, get up dust off my knees and go forward.

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People who love the Lord
People who believe the Word to be true
People with great testimonies
People who are not perfect unless you are perfectly imperfect hahaha. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wolves in Sheeps clothing. Dont be something or someone your not, be yourself. God works on us where we are we do not have to fake being something we are not

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