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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
54 years old
Bailey, Colorado
United States
Profile Views: 176
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/29/2012
LAST LOGIN: 07/29/2012 15:10:37

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There quite few!

Depends on my mood!

I love to read, I'm a magazine freak and a thief! When I go in Dr's office, I have no magazine but I walk out of the office, I have the magazine so I've been called "magazine thief! lol

Ride horses/atv/boats, go hiking/taking pictures up here in my mountain, fishing/swim at the lake/beach. I collect and make tags. Spending time with my family/children. I'm a animal lover! Likes to do craft, Redo/paint furitures and many things!

I'm a Mom, Sister, Aunt, Godmom, Grandma*

I'm a Mom to a daughter and 2 sons, 2 stepsons, and MawMaw to 3 beautiful granddaughters.

I'm addicted to tags. I'm a tagger and make Tags for taggers on Sitemodel.net and my other site here on FB and collect tags as well from other designers!

I'm a good listener, gives advices and share opinions.. I'm outgoing, friendly, caring, loving and independent woman.. I say things without thinking twice, I fight-stand up for my children/family. I can be a bitch at times, I don't always smile, it doesn't mean I'm mad or being snobbish. People tend to say "Is she mad at me?".. I'm more of down earth woman who loves to laugh, and laughs out loud! I'm open minded, and can talk about anything.. I hate to admit, I'm hardheaded and stubborn. I'm not too forgiving person when a person hurt/betrayed me, I'm STILL learning to forgive and to accept forgivness. I like doing things for people, I really do, But sometimes I get incredibly tired of it all. I've given so much of myself, yet nobody appreciates me or even says "Thank you". To be honest, I get the feeling I'm surrounded by people who take and take and never give anything back, I know that's life......

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