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Queen Victoria
We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
59 years old
New York, New York
United States
Profile Views: 5332
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MEMBER SINCE: 02/14/2011
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 11/05/2012 19:02:09


I have not gone to the movies very much in the last few years. There really is very little to see. I have enjoyed "I've Loved You Very Long," "Frida," "The Hours," "Savage Grace" and a small handful of others. I'm not interested in wasting two hours on one-dimensional comic book characters, special effects, explosions and dismemberments which comprise most of our modern motion pictures.

I love classical music, opera, show tunes and jazz. When I'm in the mood to dance, whatever is playing will do.

I am a voracious reader and so a listing of my favorite books would require a great deal more space than is provided. Here is a short list: "Anna Karenina," "The Handmaid's Tale," "The French Lieutenant's Woman," "The Power and the Glory," "Lady Chatterly's Lover," "Rebecca," "Justine."

I am an artist and a writer. Why would I need a hobby?

If there is anything left that haven't already done, I can't possibly think of it!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Complicated Universal Cum - I can hardly wait from Fake Diamond Records on Vimeo.

I am an attractive, elegant, sophisticated, urbane woman of the world. Why should I be coy? It is just as wrong to underestimate oneself as it is the converse. I have been, at various times in my life, a fashion model, a demimonde, a writer and an artist. I have traveled the world and have had adventures most only dream of. I have had many lovers, both male and female, from the back streets of Paris to the mansions of the nobility. New York is the center of my world, but it has always been the world that is my playground.

I am a first generation American, born and raised in New York City by a French father and a German/Dutch mother. I enjoyed all the benefits of an upper social upbringing including an extensive education, a debutante ball and a great deal of travel. My parents were not the type to hold me back from doing whatever I wished...how could they, they did so themselves...and so there have been very few stumbling blocks along the way to my total freedom.

I have been married twice, both to gentlemen in the social register, neither of which took. I have been relatively on my own now for almost ten years and have loved every minute of it. I intend to stay this way. Please, gentlemen, do not concern yourself that I might be lonely. Perish forbid! My difficulty is more trying to find some time to myself. One chap that I've chatted with became upset that I am attracted primarily to other women. I told him that I could pick up the phone at that very moment and have one of the kind of women he could only dream of in my bed within the hour! Poor fellow. He had no reply to that.

In my relationships, I am the one who is used to being...how should I say..."in charge." Comprenez-vous? Let us say that I enjoy being pampered, perhaps having my toes kissed or my little bottom licked. And if you are bad, I have infinite ways to chastise you. You have been warned! teehee......

f you are intelligent and sophisticated, beautiful and articulate I would be most interested in hearing from you. If you are uninhibited and adventurous, so much the better. Although I have known many men in my time, I especially love an attractive and exciting woman. If your profile features a photo of your automobile, pictures you flexing your biceps or shows you guzzling beer, please pass me by. I am not interested...at all. If your idea of a Saturday night on the town consists of dancing to clangorous music and imbibing alcohol until you throw up...I AM NOT THE ONE FOR YOU!!! I will not add you. I do not care to amass thousands of friends. A small handful of interesting and sophisticated friends would suffice nicely and is all I desire.

Monica Bellucci, Puccini, drawing and painting, waking up in someone's arms, having my toes kissed, dance clubs, beautiful women....

Crudity, drunkenness, best sellers, modern art...

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