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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
66 years old
Hartland, Vermont
United States
Profile Views: 171
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MEMBER SINCE: 09/05/2006
LAST LOGIN: 06/13/2007 22:56:02

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The Harry Potter series, The Star Wars Series, The Matrix, The Pink Panther, The Wizard of Oz, The 5th Element, The Sean Connery James Bond Movies, A Fish Called Wanda, Young Frankenstein, Wallis & Grommit (again, not in any particular order, nor is the list complete)

Folk, rock, swing, big band, classical, jazz, blues, zydeco, opera, country, singer/songwriter, instrumental (not listed in any particular order- it depends on my state of mind at the moment)

Some authors that I read for entertainment include- John Dunning, James Lee Burke, Tony Hillerman, John Le Carre, Carlos Costenada, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Arthur Conan Doyle, & Khsled Hosseini. (This list is by no means complete-I read almost anything I can get my hands on (fantasy, novels, science fiction, mystery, historical novels, etc); I am sure the authors would be upset by my stating their works as " just entertainment", but as you will see below, my other reading is work related, and I read the above authors so I can relax)

Other reading includes reference books for the evaluation and treatment of various impairments which interfere with a child's ability to interact in a functional manner with their world. I also read reference books and articles that deal with specific impairments, the latest research, etc

Playing guitar, Singing silly songs, Scuba Diving, Sketching, Playing with my Cat, sitting around a campfire with friends, Hiking, going to museums

To say I am in the Medical field is a misnomer, but it was the closest choice given above (it was that or education, but neither field is quite right). I am an Occupational Therapist, and I work in the school system with children.
Personal goals- I want to help people to be as independent as they can be, help to create communities that are 100% accessible for people of all abilities, and work to promote tolerance for those of differing abilities, differing sexual orientation, differing ethnic/cultural backgrounds, and differing religious beliefs. I truly believe that the only path to peace is through local/individual tolerance. We need to learn to live with our nearest neighbors before we can ever hope to spread peace elsewhere. This means respecting similarities and differences; we have SO much to learn from each other, it's seems like such a waste not to take advantage of opportunities that can expand our personal world as they present themselves; may everyone find it within themselves to learn to listen and attempt to understand those with opinions/life-styles that may differ from their own.

People who are open to meeting new people with differing ideas and ethnic backgrounds, adventure, traveling, music, art, people who are comfortable enough with themselves so going out with others is fun but being alone is OK too, Dragons, Fairies, Elves, ...

People who are not open to new ideas, people without a sense of loyalty, people who lie or are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions, Spiders, Snakes

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