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Live, Love, Laugh

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
61 years old
Euless, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 420
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/2010
LAST LOGIN: 12/17/2010 16:49:21

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I would rather spend my time taking a long walk along the coastline or hiking or camping or lingering in an art gallery with a good friend where I can find peace and refresh my soul.
If I am not doing any of the above you will find me reading, writing, painting or having long conversations with my friends.

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If it Speaks to me I Love It!!!

I enjoy books on art and artist, interior design, poetry. A couple of my favorite artist to read about would be Kandinsky and Miro. A couple of my favorite books are Battle of Life by Charles Dickens and Lambs Tales by Shakespeare. My most read book would be my Bible!!!

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I am a little bit of a country girl and a little bit of a daredevil !!! I appreciate all the beauty of nature and love to spend time traveling and enjoying all the beautiful places our great nation has to offer. I have visited most states and done some pretty cool things. I Have Gone white water rafting down the Royal Gorge in Colorado, Taken the Ferry across the bay to see the statue of Liberty in New York, Jumped off lava rocks into the sea, Stood on the Wharf and watched sea lions bast in the sun in San Fransisco, Jumped from waterfalls into the pool below, Gone hiking in a bamboo forest, Climbed a mountain all the way to the top, Been on a deserted island, Snorkled the reef, River rafted down the Guadalupe River, Canoed in the ocean in Hawaii, Been to Madi Gra in New Orleans, Lived on Midway Island, Flown a private plane, Rode in a stretch limo and partied like a rock star all night long, River rafted down the Brazo's River, Taken the cog train all the way to the top of Pikes Peak, Played in mountain streams, admiring the fools gold sparkling below, Played the slots in Atlantic City, Tunica, Shreveport and Vegas and enjoyed the beauty of the lights at 4am, I have enjoyed the beauty of the white sand beach's in Florida and Alabama, I have camped on the beautiful natural beach's on Padre Island, One of my favorite camp spots is Turner Falls in Oklahoma I have lived a good life!!!! I have very few regrets!!!! The regrets I do have are not because of the things I didn't do but more like wow that was a really bad idea!!!! For instance when you go hiking in a bamboo forrest and have to pull yourself up the incline using the bamboo trees and it comes to going back down that same incline I know from experience it is not a good idea to ski down the incline on your butts. So F.Y.I. don't try this it doesn't work!!! It will be an Epic Fail!!!

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I am a fun loving, eccentric, free spirited, soft hearted, out spoken, passionate woman so if nothing else I am quite amusing. I am not one to care about what the world thinks of me but more importantly what I think of me. I enjoy life, people, travel, and mostly just being me and having fun. I have a serious love affair with coffee!!! My paintbrush is my best friend when I need to work things out. I believe laughter refreshes the soul!!! So laugh long and hard and as often as possible!!! I believe everyone should live their life to the fullest you only get one!!!
I am a shorts and tank top kind of girl even in the wintertime. I am a warm blooded person by nature. So if your coming over to my place in the winter you might wanna dress warm because I won't be turning on the heat for you. I might be inclined to show you some southern hospitality though and build you a fire so you don't freeze to death.

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