I love Jesus loving men who love to ride their Harley's for Jesus Christ!!!
Female 76 years old Santa Maria, California United States Profile Views: 125
    [ 24414 ]
04/18/2007 00:22:46 |
Scary movies (yep, the scarier the better), mysteries, dramas, comedies, love stories (my favorite is Wuthering Heights the story of my life), and just good movies of any type.
Heavy metal, hard rock, good ole' rock 'n' roll, also, the christian hard rock and heavy metal is totally awesome. Then, some soft soothing blues and jazz for those quieter moments.
Number 1 The Bible, fantasy stories with faeries, dragons, with all different kinds of beings, Lord of the Rings Triology, the Hobbit, Star Wars, most unbelievable fantasy stories that take you on their trips and journey as you are reading their books. I like books that take you out the real into their make believe world.
I love the beach, mountains, snow, amusement parks, love roller coaster rides (the scarier the better), picnics, and just sitting at home with a good movie on and popcorn.
I love Jesus and He is number 1 in my life because if it weren't for Him I would have been dead long ago. I have been clean and sober since 27 April 1986.
I have been single much too long and would like someone to pal around with as a couple. If things are cool a more long lasting friendship is not something I would refuse to consider.
I have auburn hair which is about 1 inch from the middle of my back, dark brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, and just a smidgen over weight but just right for snuggling.
I have three wonderful grandchildren I adore, a wonderful son, and a beautiful ex-daughter-in-law.
The opposite of the turn off's also,
Bad hygene, fowl language, easily angered, always late, liar, non-christian, doesn't love or even like children especially disabled children, a heavy smoker and heavy drinker,a slob about themselves, their homes, cars, and other peoples places...anyway you kinda get the idea right????!!!
christianchick has 2 friend(s)