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'Taken life as it comes!'

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
74 years old
Lafayette, Louisiana
United States
Profile Views: 130
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/16/2006
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 11/17/2006 21:27:11

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League of their Own, Hoosiers, Erin Brockevich, Conspiracy Theory, Wonderful Life, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forrest Gump, 9/11 Mysteries, America Freedom to Fascism, An Inconvenient Truth, The Big Easy, Belizaire The Cajun

Rock & Roll, R&;B, Country, Blues, Jazz, Swing, Folk

Alternative Energy, Hydrogen, Acting, Mechanical, Organic Gardening, Sustainable Living.

Organic gardening. I like keeping up with current events online, alternative media like c-span, cable access, pbs. Environmentally friendly, alternative energy, electric cars, vehicles that run on vegetable oil, bio-diesel, and 100% ethanol. Water, wind , wave, geothermal, solar energy, hydrogen. Health &; science innovation.

Single Cajun Guy of French decent with a little Spanish blood. enjoy speaking Cajun French, caring, easy going, laid back ,down to earth, patient, understanding, I like all kinds of music depending on my mood, Geneology, live within my means, like Saints Pro Football, LSU Football Fan.

I have my own mobile DJ business serving South Lousiana with 24,000 Selections of Music, All Varieties from the 1940's to 2000's. Wedding Specialist, Birthdays, Holidays with 34 years experience.

Also I do troubleshooting & tuneups for computers for viruses, computer is slow, can't connect to the internet, etc. I can help!

The Truth! Alternative Energy! Intelligent & Reliable people who are not scamming or blinded by mass media.

Corporations, government, pollution, legal murder otherwise know as war!
Big Business Wants to Take Over the Internet. What if a few big companies decided which sites loaded quickly and which ones slowly, or not at all, on your computer? With a fast lane for Web sites able to afford it and a slow lane for everyone else. Big companies are lobbying Congress to do just that! http://www.popsci.com/popsci/whatsnew/46f84d972e76b010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html The U.S. Senate Committee for Commerce, Science and Transportation has approved a bill that will allow broadband providers to give preferential service to certain high-paying customers leaving the rest of us in the dustbin. http://popsci.typepad.com/popsci/2006/06/update_a_dark_d.html Pass The Word to all your Friends: Call your Senator! http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

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