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Never resist growing old. Some people never get the opportunity.

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
75 years old
San Antonio, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 30
[ 24414 ]

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MEMBER SINCE: 07/28/2006
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 10/27/2006 21:18:58

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Pay It Forward
The Matrix
Anything Sandra Bullock
Anything Patrick Swayze

The Bee Gee's
Earth, Wind, and Fire
Englebert (Somewhere in Time)
Linda Rondstadt

The Left Behind series
Anything Grace Livingstone Hill

Reading, music, crochet

I am a nurse and have been in the medical field for 36 years. I love to write and would love to be published some day. I have two wonderful children, and three beautiful grandchildren. I love cats and am devastated when one leaves me (dies). I believe that life does not let us down, we let ourselves down. Crutches are not acceptable to me (crutches of the type like whining because of something in our past that just keeps us from reaching our full potential). I am very positive about almost everything and enjoy talking with others who are positive also. Was married for 30 years only to learn that I had been married to a consumate liar and my marriage had been to legitimize him. I guess you might say that one of my weaknesses was trusting people, but no longer. Excuses are for wimps and liars. If you love someone, you need to let them know it every day and in every way. Do NOT go to sleep angry. Be thankful for your blessings. I love to cook and believe that I am an excellent cook (plain or fancy-but prefer good old home cookin'). I hate to shop (LOL). I am a cuddler rather than a party type. And...I am a proud American and a proud Texan.

William Petersen - GIL from CSI
The beauty of God's creations
Fabulous music-all kinds
Men in uniform
Men out of uniform

Boastful, prideful people
Alcoholics (or just drunks in general)

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