Married in Georgia
Male 68 years old Orlando, Florida United States Profile Views: 254
    [ 24414 ]
08/29/2010 06:59:50 |
Cars, American Graffitti, Gone in 60 Seconds, Bullit, Titanic.
Boston, Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, the list is very very long
Mostly Magazines and trade books, Mopar Muscle Etc
Old Cars, Classic cars, Race Care, Model cars, Sports cards. Bowling, Movies. Classic Rock or Oldies Rock.
52 and married finally. found my wife 3 years ago and we have been married for 2 1/2 years now.
I an into calssic and antique cars and all types of auto racing. I also own my own website I enjoy almost any type of GOOD movie and a good rock concert. I do not drink if i am going to drive so bars are not in my life. Old Town, Drag Racing, Turley Rod Rod, Nascar, Anything fast or old.
Needy people. I have been though the child raising year and do not need a partner that needs a father rather thean a mate.
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