Answers |
200 day ago
I do a playlist for my main player then go to YouTube for swapping my videos out. You edit playlist codes the same way as single videos then it's one code edit and done. Just worth a mention.
200 day ago
this also works with embedded code in red. you dont have to change anything but the embbed code for the video you want to use
referrerpolicy="strict-orgin- when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></embed>><div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="https://www.MyBoomerPlace.com/">MyBoomerPlace.com Fun with Good Friends</a></div></div> |
200 day ago
Ally, Go to Youtube and copy the embed code from the video and change the highlighted areas, it will work. Just giving you the business! (-;
200 day ago
200 day ago
Thanks RM. It worked for me Ally. l notice at the end of your code you have </embedded> instead of </embed> maybe that has something to do with it not working for you.
201 day ago
Go to YouTube, under the video click Share and copy the embed code. Paste the code to notepad, edit as shown below and save the file for later use. Enjoy your tunes.
201 day ago
I never realized tools4noobs no longer work on Youtube. I never used it. I use my own codes for my music from Youtube.
203 day ago
I sugest you contact tools4 noobs and tell them the code they have no longer works. that might get them to work on a new one
203 day ago
Youtube stopped tools4noobs code to work again,don't take off your music or you may be without for a while, Lets hope tools can give us another way of doing this again. Here we go again with youtube to blame. contact them saying they are trying to control where the only place is you can use your videos