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mem_staff ONLINE
78 years old
In The Valley, Tennessee
United States
Profile Views: 151988
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Referrals: 4

MEMBER SINCE: 06/26/2015
LAST LOGIN: 03/02/2025 13:40:44

Go to Nelrgla's layouts and there you can find beautiful Clocks to use on your pages

The Songs I place here are for the Talent of the

THE ECHOES (Baby Blue) 1961

Bentley Has been with me since November 11th 2021
I adopted him from a rescue who took him in when his owner was evicted and left him behind. He was 5 at the time. He weights 6 pounds.

Taken 02/20/25

Click here on picture below to go to my layouts.
You are welcome to use them on your page.
Along with the pictures I use in sections on my page.

Boomer Themes Group

You are welcome to take and use any Of the pictures I place in My sections Like the "About Me" Section..
You can also go to my layout page for my backgrounds
. click on pink picture above to view my layouts

click on picture below to go to my Design Contest Page "QuietNature" I do not send out comments from that page

I enjoy all the comments from my friends and talking among one another, It's more of a friendship that way rather than pictures sent.

I love designing my own page,and if you have "ANY" questions please ask...

Here is a Web site for word graphic for your pages.


For premade Boomer layouts click boomer layout picture below.

Get PreMade Layouts From Boomer Layouts

"Ally" Is my Online Name. It's Short for NaturesAlly.

I love listening to music , Love Nature and animals.
At one time I ran a Small Dog's Rescue, we were registered as a 501 non profit.and even took in dogs with medical needs and the elderly,

Friends or not you are welcome to message me anytime. If you have any questions
or need help feel free to ask....

Click picture below to go to Design contest page...

Displaying 8 out of 4292 comments
03/02/2025 22:24:09

03/02/2025 22:18:23

03/02/2025 22:05:48

Pin page

Pin page

03/02/2025 21:18:42

Goodnight Ally

03/02/2025 21:03:26

03/02/2025 20:01:54

This may contain: a black and white photo with the caption omg run monday's coming

This may contain: a green plant with lots of flowers lit up in the dark

This may contain: a woman with lights in her face and hands

This may contain: a drawing of a hot air balloon with the words sending you hugs xoxo written on it

03/02/2025 20:01:19

        LV. Barb XXOO 


03/02/2025 19:58:19
I just had some. It’s delicious. Vanilla but still very good

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