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09/09/2024 01:11:12

Beatleboy wrote:
Comme tu as raison !!!

NTER>   Ironic isn't it, the one thing we need to calm our waters isn't available

09/09/2024 00:26:21

Ah les femmes ! comme quoi quand elles disparaissent elles manquent beaucoup mais je pense la même chose des hommes, si mon mari était encore là je ne serai pas levée de si bonne heure.

09/09/2024 00:25:52

09/09/2024 00:22:34

Hello Sweetness!

Home isn ' t  where yourfrom, it's where you findLight when all else growsDark.   --- Pierce Brown ---

Morning Sweet Friend Steve....Here s hoping the weekend was good to you and
you was able to distress and this new week is even better to you!
Feeling much better after resting this weekend.See you back here on
Wednesday sweet one. Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi
querido amiga/amigo.Como siempre te mando esta nota con mucho carino y
respeto, tu querida amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

09/09/2024 00:10:40

Tu as déjà répondu avec le décalage horaire je ne croyais pas que tu te levais aussi tôt ou alors tu n'es pas encore couché.

09/09/2024 00:04:51

I like spaghetti. Either way is fine by me. :) And dont forget the french bread. :) 

09/09/2024 00:04:35

Hello Sweetness!

Enjoy the Beauty thisDay brings!Happy Monday to you SweetSoul....

09/08/2024 23:57:00

Hello Sweetness!

A Hot  cup of Coffee  first thingin the morning, first the Aroma, than the Taste, just Heavenly!

Let Happines and  Sunshinefill your Day Sweet One!

09/08/2024 23:53:51

There is a little girl sitting on a lotus flower in a pond - SeaArt AI


Lotus Flower Meaning and Symbolism | Bouqs Blog


Happy Monday - May the new week turn out to be the most amazing week of  your life and journey - Premium Wishes

09/08/2024 23:53:18

Type B pour les pâtes. Bonne journée.

09/08/2024 23:48:08


09/08/2024 23:47:17

mmm the garlic bread looks delicous...ty Steve!

09/08/2024 23:44:59


09/08/2024 22:05:33

yes sauce without the meat sounds good to me with a side of toasted garlic bread!

09/08/2024 21:31:27

09/08/2024 21:04:54

  forgot to say I pick A

09/08/2024 21:04:10
Good Night steve, I love the sauce all mixed with the noodles.
Better than dry noodles

09/08/2024 20:59:52

None dear, all that meat makes my stomach turn upside down....

09/08/2024 20:16:39

09/08/2024 19:58:57

09/08/2024 18:24:03

09/08/2024 17:40:52

" Strive  to enter in at the straight gate "

 St Luke 13: 24-25

Happy Sunday Nite

Bless Be

09/08/2024 17:35:19


09/08/2024 15:50:21

Afternoon., was a cool day 60's 

hope you are having a good day.,  I stayed in

have appointment tomorrow., at the bank., after i hope to go grocery shopping.

have a goodnight

09/08/2024 14:35:23

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