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01/03/2025 08:25:20

wishing you a great Friday and weekend...enjoy it...kisses...

01/03/2025 07:22:59

Happy weekend to you my friend Maryline..lots of hugs 





01/03/2025 07:02:19

Hello Sweet Friend, happy Friday , have a lovely Friday , smile :) xoxoos

01/03/2025 04:09:03

01/03/2025 02:19:11

01/03/2025 01:29:34

Hello Sweetness!

Believe that Life is worth living and your belief will help you creatyour fact.  ---- Williams James ----

Morning Sweet Friend.....The end of a spectacular year and the begining
of another.I hope you have many wonderful things to accomplish this
year, I know I do. I hope your weekend is amazing n restful. Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho
amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/03/2025 01:20:55

Hello Sweetness!

Life is a mountain. Your goalis to find your path, not to reachthe top.    ----Maxime Legace ----

01/03/2025 01:19:58

Hello Sweetness!

Life is a mountain. Your goalis to find your path, not to reachthe top.    ----Maxime Legace ----

01/03/2025 00:48:09

Hello Sweetness!

It's a terrible thing, I think,  in Lifeto wait until your ready.           ---- Hugh Laurie ----

01/02/2025 20:14:22




01/02/2025 18:54:22

01/02/2025 18:36:52

I hope this finds you happy with the New Year and 

may it be filled with Love, Laughter and Success! Thank you 

for your Friendship! Sending You Smiles and Hugs Always!

Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, 

whispering, 'It will be happier.'

~ Alfred Lord Tennyson ~

01/02/2025 17:58:17

 Hello Friend,


 I hope that your day was good. Wishing you a nice evening ~ Hugs

01/02/2025 17:47:40

you a beautiful night Maryline..hugs 





01/02/2025 11:07:03

Guten Abend voller Frieden ❤ mein lieber Freund.

Freundlichkeit ist wie ein Sonnenuntergang,

sie gibt
Wärme an alles um sie herum.

Viele Grüße, Abby

01/02/2025 10:12:40

What we dream, we can create

Letting our imaginations run free;

The distance of our dreams,

Are only as far away as we let them be.

Happy New Year 2025

~ Unknown ~

01/02/2025 10:11:34

01/02/2025 08:55:11

Wishing you a relaxing Thursday my sweet friend ..smile

01/02/2025 07:01:25

Wishing you a very nice day...enjoy it...kisses...

PS:Still fascinated by the artistic level of the dolls from my city that are made to see out the year. The ranking was 3rd place for Tom and Jerry, second for Harry Potter and the winner: Land of Dragons.

And more modest but Intensely more emotional are those from the corner where it all began, in my neighborhood. When I was a child we used to go to see them.

01/02/2025 05:50:47

Pretty Page 

01/02/2025 03:54:55

Bonjour Maryline 

Que cette nouvelle année soit le début d'un 

tout nouveau chapitre.

Je te souhaite qu'il soit fait de joies intenses 

et de beaucoup de bonheur.

Mes meilleurs vœux pour 2025.

Gros bisous 


01/02/2025 03:30:52

Let your days be easy and nice


01/02/2025 03:28:20

01/02/2025 03:18:11

01/02/2025 01:22:47

Bonjour Maryline

Les fêtes sont terminées j'espère qu'elles ont été prospères chez moi elles ont été dans la simplicité

Après des journées négatives en températures aujourd'hui c'est la pluie qui nous accompagne

A part ça rien de neuf depuis l'année dernière

Je te souhaite une bonne journée

Bisous chocolatés de Lorraine


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