Hello, happy, start of the week, have a good
start to your Monday. Sometimes you find in
life, a special friendship: that someone who
when they enter your life, changes it completely.
That someone who makes you laugh incessantly; that
someone who makes you believe that there are
really good things in the world, that someone
believes in a great friendship, from a
distance there are people who don't believe
it,I do believe it although from
a distance it is difficult I believe
in yours forever in the good and the
bad, smile, your complexion rejuvenates
and you will have more big smiles, hugs
Maria, take care........
Hope your enjoying your Sunday...Nice day here...Enjoy your new week....Hugs Lorribelle54
Kedves Barátom!
Lassan vége a hétvégének és nemsokára a februárnak is. Remélem sikerült kikapcsolódni?Itt enged a téli hideg, melegedést és csapadékot is ígérnek.
Tertalmas, eredményes új hetet kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva
„Ahogy öregszel, rájössz, hogy két kezed van:
az egyik, hogy segíts magadon, a másik pedig,
hogy segíts másokon. Mert az élet nem csak arról szól,
hogy mit érsz el magadnak, hanem arról is,
hogy mit teszel másokért.”
Audrey Hepburn
Hello, friend, happy Sunday, from the first
light of the morning until the first star of the night,
the whole day is illuminated, and whoever
gets up with a smile, a good day awaits him with
another beautiful dawn, full of energy and success, what
more do you want, with another opportunity o
achievet your wishes, fight for what you want the most
and you will have a shower of stars that will
guide you to your goals, big hugs, Maria, take care
Hello, I send you all my positive energy,
I hope you have a great and successful
weekend,the best gift you can give is
to transmit your joy, with the desire
to live, to have the best time you can,
as you wish, live with positivity and optimism,
and happiness will always be present
in your life, I wish you good times,
full of great successes, hugs,
Maria, take care--------------
Kellemesen eltöltött péntek estét, valamint hétvégét kívánok! Vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva
"Élni tudni és élni merni,
néha járatlan úton menni,
nem csak rohanni, meg-megállni
azt, ami szép, körülcsodálni."
Moretti Gemma
Hello, I'm passing by your beautiful world
and I want to leave you my best wishes for
the weekend I wish GOOD MORNING to the person
whose KISSES are the reason for my happiness
and whose HUGS make my LIFE PRICELESS.
GOD bless your day and keep you safe for
harm and more.And may you have a better one
that the day before.Life is short and every
second is precious, so make the most of it.
May GOD smile on you and take good
care of you today and everyday of your life.
take care maria kisses
TGIF....Hope everything is going well....We have had some Spring weather...Hope your staying safe and warm.....Enjoy your weekend.....Hugs Lorribelle54
Sailing by to say hi!
Good night!