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03/12/2025 22:19:28

ไอเดีย Happy : Thursday 390 รายการ | ศิลปะคริสต์มาส, ปาตาโกเนีย,  โกลเด้นรีทรีฟเวอร์

The 20 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

03/12/2025 20:14:13



03/12/2025 16:39:07

Kedves Barátom!

Csapadékosabbra fordult az idő, kell az eső. Hét végére még egy kis lehűlést is ígérnek. További kellemes időtöltést a hét további napjaira. Ma estére jó pihenést, majd szép álmokat! Ölelésem, Éva




,, Egyetlen fájdalmat, szorongást, kétséget sem szabad hosszú ideig dédelgetned a lelkedben. Mert az élet értelme a derű. Táplálni csak azt szabad, ami virágzásnak indult. Ami hervad, azt el kell engedni. "

Müller Péter


03/12/2025 16:26:08

03/12/2025 10:01:48

laney on X:

03/11/2025 23:09:22


Fischia or Dancing Ladies

03/11/2025 14:48:05

03/11/2025 11:07:16

Happy Tuesday Friends - Have a nice day - Premium Wishes

03/11/2025 05:03:51

Hello my sweet FRIEND.
It feels so good to come back to chat with you, I missed you!
I wish you a very good week,and pleasant day!
Friendship, big kisses Ariele.


03/11/2025 04:36:07

Hello, friend, I want to wish you a wonderful 

Tuesday Thank God we woke up together again

From a distance, wanting to have a good time 

and Enjoy life to the fullest. I hope it goes 

great for you Everything you plan today, dream 

without limits Live without fear and keep moving 

forward Every new dawn is a gift that we have

One more day I wish you a beautiful day like your 

friendship, May your day protect you and keep you 

under its heavenly mantle Always give the best of 

yourself And the best will come back to you. 

 Start your day with smiles To get everything you

 Take care, Maria kisses

03/10/2025 22:37:27

Pin page

Cosmos, a beautiful and durable flower for your garden | My desired home

03/10/2025 16:22:01

To You, A Lovely Monday

03/10/2025 15:50:23

Szia kedves Barátom!

Megérkeztem jöttem, hogy üdvözöljelek.Távollétem nem volt teljesen örömteli, sajnos viszaestem a betegségbe. Most lábadozom másodszor, kaptam gyógyszert. Remélem, neked jobban teltek március első napjai? Vigyázz nagyon magadra.

Kellemes hétfő estét, új hetet kívánok sok szeretettel. Ölelésem, Éva






"Az élet zenéjét a nők adják, akik őszintén, 

minden feltétel nélkül fogadják magukba a dolgokat, 

hogy érzéseiken át szebbé alakítsák át azokat."

Richard Wagner


03/10/2025 12:47:57

03/10/2025 08:32:41

03/10/2025 05:25:14

Hello, happy Monday, A day without smiling

is a day lost, The quickest  and most effective way 

to  cheer someone up is to give them a big  smile,

There is nothing more contagious than laughter

and full of  beautiful things for your life,May

life always smile at you and give you everything that

keeps your heart happy, Life is short, Smile at

those who cry, ignore those who criticize you

and be happy with those who care about you, Keep 

your mind in harmony and your life full of 

blessings, I send you big hugs,maria,take care

03/09/2025 23:01:14

New Week & New Blessings: 100+ Happy Monday Quotes

36 Most Beautiful Flowers with Names and Pictures - Best Types of Flowers  for Your Garden

03/09/2025 08:53:59

Hello, friend, happy, Sunday, have a good

Sunday,. Sometimes you find in

life, a special friendship: that someone who

when they enter your life, changes it completely.

That someone who makes you laugh non-stop; that

someone who makes you believe that there are really good  

 things in  the world, that someone believes in a great

 friendship, from a distance there are people who do not

 believe it, I do believe it although from a distance it

 is difficult, I do believe it in yours forever in the good and the

bad, smile, your smile will be prettier big hugs Maria, take care

03/09/2025 04:45:26

Sunday Love, Good Morning

03/08/2025 21:53:11

good morning happy sunday Images • Its--Sumant❤️@9556 (@itssumant) on  ShareChat

❥○❥ ♥ ♥ ❥○❥

03/08/2025 15:01:59

Happy Saturday Have A Wonderful Weekend Start Your Day Off Right ;) Cat  MAGNET | eBay

03/08/2025 08:01:29

Hello, I hope your weekend starts as you

 wish. Enjoy the WEEKEND everyone with lots

 of HEALTH and JOY. Today we have a double

reason to smile with friends, with your loved 

ones. It must be nice to get together and have a

delicious coffee with a nice toast with butter

and jam. It can only take a minute

to change a bad day for a good one. The sun

will shine brighter in your house and on your 

face. I hope you have a great time, and if 

your day is bad, let me know and I will arri 

ve with the magic wand and your day will be fun. I

 will leave you my hugs and I will make you smile.

 Kisses, Maria.cuidate

03/07/2025 22:02:53

70+ Happy Saturday Wishes and Morning Greetings | WishesMsg

Son simples pero realmente preciosas

03/07/2025 12:33:45

03/07/2025 08:39:46

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