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01/12/2025 07:25:43

01/12/2025 06:34:55

have a lovely Sunday Jaya..hugs 





01/12/2025 05:05:01

01/11/2025 23:10:45

This may contain: a red neon sign that says be hot like a chili

Story pin image


01/11/2025 22:15:38

Marimba Magic for your Saturday night!  Good night!  Sweet dreams!  xox

Top Music Books for Learning the Marimba - My Music Supply Live Marimba Music at Palacio del Ayuntamiento – AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com 15 Fun And Interesting Facts About The Marimba Marimba - Information and Resources - String Sound Studios  CHICA SEXY BAILANDO CUMBIA SAMPUESANA CON MARIMBA - YouTube MEDIA | Cristian Orozco 

01/11/2025 19:42:55

I have been streaming on the TV, sometimes i find shows 

that catch me and i stay and learn all i can! We are having a shot 

of cold weather so been in the house all day! I don't understand 

our weather! I am not complaining because we didn't get snow Thank 

God! I really like to get out in the air but not when it is cold!

Well i hope your having a great weekend! Share the Smiles and i am 

sending you Smiles and Hugs!

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us 

at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself 

in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.

~ John Wayne ~

01/11/2025 18:40:39

01/11/2025 15:57:03

01/11/2025 15:45:09

01/11/2025 15:02:37

01/11/2025 14:31:52

*Caturday Love*

01/11/2025 12:14:07

01/11/2025 12:13:51

Sexy Cat - Reaction GIFs

01/11/2025 12:06:19


01/11/2025 09:31:07

01/11/2025 07:58:01

Good Morning/Good Afternoon,

my lovely Jaya  

There is nothing as beautiful as

the two beautiful days 

that end the week.

Days filled with a lot of 

relaxation and anticipation 

for what is to come again!

Happy Saturday! Enjoy your weekend.

~As Always with Respect~

Hugs'n'Kisses…. Vicky  xx

01/11/2025 07:54:22

Coucou chère Jaya,

Je te souhaite un merveilleux WE.

Heureux Chamedi !

Reste bien au chaud et en securité !!

N'oublies pas de prier pour la pauvre California, victime du feu...

Gros bisous.


01/11/2025 07:02:36

Good Morning Jaya have a Lovey Saturday Hugs & Kisses xo...

01/11/2025 06:57:28

Hello ! chere Jaya

Aie un bon Cha..medi !

Gros câlins


01/11/2025 05:53:18

good morning Jaya..may you have a wonderful beautiful day..hugs xoxo 





01/11/2025 03:55:45

Image d’Épingle Story

Image d’Épingle Story

Animaux mini gifsAnimaux mini gifsAnimaux mini gifs


~❦❀ Jaya ❀❦~

Oublie tout ce qui te rend triste

et rappelle-toi seulement

des choses qui te rendent heureuse...

Je te souhaite un très beau week-end

avec que des envies.

Bisous... câlin.


01/11/2025 03:23:48

01/10/2025 19:28:26

Happy Friday night, Jaya!  Sea you later!  :)  xox

Sea horse fun facts Sea horses bump jellyfish at Monterey aquarium 'A Longsnout Seahorse Moves Gracefully Through Coral' Photographic ... 550+ Seahorse Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash   Meet the Pygmy Seahorses of Raja Ampat | Papua Paradise seahorse racing | The sport of Marine Biologists | By: Chris Black ...  

01/10/2025 17:53:14

•°* Wishing you a Beautiful Friday

 And a 

 Fabulous & Warm Weekend ! ˜”*°

 with Love 

•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. .•*˜ .•°*”˜.˜”* °•.

01/10/2025 17:41:42

Nitie Nite Sweet Friend....

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