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03/01/2025 12:47:56

03/01/2025 12:44:33

Il est temps de souffler,

Il est temps d'y croire,

Il est temps de sourire,

Il est temps d'aimer,

Il est temps d'être heureux!...enfin!....

Bon weekend à toi....

Aimer mini gifs

03/01/2025 12:39:46

03/01/2025 12:26:45

Sending you Some Caturday Love ♥

03/01/2025 12:15:45

03/01/2025 12:10:08

♫ ♪

Sally called when she got the word

And she said, "I suppose you've heard... about Alice?"

When I rushed to the window and I looked outside

And I could hardly believe my eyes

As a big limousine rolled up, into Alice's drive

Have a nice Saturday, everybody. 

I'm having coffee by the jukebox

if you want to join me?

03/01/2025 11:59:41

03/01/2025 11:53:26


Enjoy your  day , 

hug Kristy 

03/01/2025 11:25:04


CONTINUED more Friday pictures.  


Roosters just can't resist saying "Good Morning, are you enjoying the sunshine?"  "Where is our food this morning?"  


The word is out and spreading fast that you are here to feed all of us!  


"Good Morning, snort, snort!" says Wilber or Big Daddy.  I am heading for the cool water on the ground as soon as you scratch my neck.  ( I can only take so many pictures on FaceTime but that is where he went.) 


Good Morning Mamma Charlotte!  Do you need some love too?  


Oh and Good Morning Momma Molly!  I know you miss your babies but they all have such good homes with kids who are loving them!  


One more trip around the yard to get your exercise.  Now start looking for bugs to clean up the yard and enjoy the warm sunshine to make your day magnificent.  Yes, I was sweating by the time I went back inside and it felt so very good!  


I love taking  and getting pictures (I know you can tell) and sharing my most wonderful memories with you and I love to go back and look at them often.  I hope you have a collection of your own to warm your heart!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/01/2025 10:30:09

Lots of Love

03/01/2025 10:27:25

The wind is cold in Wonderland, but the robins & red-winged blackbirds are making appearances. Spring will follow!
Have a great week!

03/01/2025 10:26:49

 ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ 

03/01/2025 10:25:40

03/01/2025 10:19:21

03/01/2025 09:58:06

Have a Happy Caturday

03/01/2025 09:54:18

" There is always the risk of getting lost in a wrong dream, but there is nothing worse than getting lost in a dreamless reality "Silvana Stremiz


03/01/2025 09:48:20

Enjoy your Saturday/First Day of March, Dear CaT :))  XoX

03/01/2025 09:18:20

C A T U R D A Y :))

03/01/2025 09:14:32

The thought of the day

This is for the ones who are str*ggling right now. This is for the ones who have been having a rough day or week or even year. The ones who feel like this storm will never end.
Keep fighting for you. Not for your friends, not for your family, but for you.
Keep fighting because deep down you hold a tiny voice that knows you were meant for far more than this sadness and pain you are feeling. Keep fighting because the person you will be on the other side of all this is cheering for you so much. Keep fighting because you will get there. And it will be worth it.
(Nikki Banas -| Walk the Earth)

03/01/2025 09:11:24

Happy first day of March ..xoxos

03/01/2025 09:03:27

happy caturday.much love

03/01/2025 08:58:16

03/01/2025 08:45:31

03/01/2025 08:37:00


(Hello Morning) Blessed My Firend With Love

Always Life

03/01/2025 08:28:06

Hello Beautiful Cat,make sure to smile today :) xoxooxs

Have a lovely Saturday.         Big DaddyO

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