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01/28/2025 11:33:43

“Anybody can sympathise 

with the sufferings of a friend, 

but it requires a very fine nature 

to sympathise with a friend's success.” 

~ Oscar Wilde ~

01/28/2025 07:05:58

wishing you a sweet lovely day xoxo 





01/28/2025 06:33:44

This may contain: the woman is sitting behind the steering wheel with her hands on the steering wheel while wearing gold rings and bracelets

Have yourself a great and safe day...:) xo

01/28/2025 02:48:47

01/27/2025 22:17:31

Good Morning Wishes Tuesday Images - Good Morning Pictures

25 Most Beautiful flowers in the world

23 Creative and Romantic Couple Photo Ideas

01/27/2025 20:07:11

Nite Nite..xo

01/27/2025 18:22:33

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” — Charles Swindoll

"The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction." — Tim Holden ~ Happy Monday have a golden week friend!






“Live your life, sing your song. Not full of expectations. Not for the ovations. But for the joy of it.” ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru

01/27/2025 13:38:57

01/27/2025 13:29:23

que ce soir le ciel nocturne est rempli d'un million d'étoiles afin qu'il
reflète l’amitié que j’ais pour toi …
Avec ce petit coucou  je te
souhaite la nuit de sommeil la plus paisible et la plus positive ... Prend bien
soin de toi mon ami/e et fais de beaux rêves … Bisous amicaux de Pimprenelle

01/27/2025 13:08:56

*Have a lovely day*

01/27/2025 07:48:38

A good friend is like a perfect bra, hard to find, 

supportive, prevent you from falling, 

holds you tight and is always close to your heart.

~ Anonymous ~

01/27/2025 07:02:06


This may contain: a woman is laying in bed looking out the window at the cityscape and skyscrapers

This may contain: a woman is laying in bed looking out the window at the cityscape and water

Praying for a great start to a new week. HUgzz xo

01/27/2025 06:43:25

good morning..wishing you a great new week..hugs xoxo 





01/27/2025 02:29:45

01/26/2025 22:20:20

Happy Monday Have A Beautiful Day

You Colour my World | Fleur by DK Florist Merivale, Christchurch

What to wear for your couples photo session - Liv Hettinga Photography

01/26/2025 18:50:21

Nite Nite my Friend,

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman in a white dress and black hat is walking through an empty room with chandelier

 Until tomorrow. God Willing..xo

01/26/2025 17:50:38

Love from me to you....


01/26/2025 16:47:04

But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. 1 Timothy 6:9-11 NASB Sunday blessings friend






As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 1 Timothy 6:17-18 ESV

01/26/2025 16:15:01

== Good Nigt = Sweet Dreams ==

01/26/2025 14:03:38

*Have a Blessed Sunday*

01/26/2025 13:52:58

carousel image 0

This may contain: a dining car on a train with white chairs and gold trim around the tables in front of a large window

This may contain: a woman holding a wine glass in her right hand and standing next to a mirror

Life is a train that stops at no staions, you either jump abroad, or stand by..Im Jumping, :) I rode a train from N.Y to Mexico City once. it was fantastic. xo

01/26/2025 09:29:52

Me today,When not working.Sundays with my family and friends. Making a sause.

Story pin image

Yes,  I make home made sause and home made pasta when not in a hurry.

This may contain: a wine glass and some food on a table

This may contain: a woman in white dress leaning over a table with plates and candles on top of it

This may contain: a woman sitting on a couch holding a wine glass and pouring red wine into it

Cheers...:) Whats your plans? xo 

01/26/2025 02:55:33

01/25/2025 21:45:48

Sweet Dreams

01/25/2025 21:15:11

60 Images of Good Morning Happy Sunday with quotes to share

Flower Peaceful Images Of Nature

7 ways to prepare for a lasting, happy marriage--Aleteia

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