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02/01/2025 19:16:33

Evening  cold and snowy day

I stayed in my leg still bother me., say snow tomorrow

got my darn gas bill was 550.  for 1 month.,  spring better hurry winter putting me in the poor house.  hope your having a good day.,  see you tomorrow.

01/31/2025 16:43:36

Evening  been raining all day., say next few day  will be snow, just went coffee., and the bank ,

hope your having a good day  and a fantastic weekend

hugs  june

01/30/2025 17:07:23

Evening., cold day teens., tonight they say snow and rain into tomorrow

I went for coffee., but had to be home for cleaning guy.,  then i went out to Paper store(hallmark) then Michael's crats  and then bought a pizza for dinner.,

on med's for my leg.. hope your having a good day and wonderful night.

Hugs  June

01/29/2025 17:39:17

Evening., was a snowy mornng., but the sun came out and melted a lot so the roads were good.,  but i stayed in  because the nurse came to the house.,  check up.. says my right leg

not getting enough blood flow., oh well .,

hope you had a good day., tomorrow i may go for coffee but have to be home before 2 cleaning man comes

01/28/2025 14:35:15

Afternoon, very chilly day expecting  snow  tonight into tomorrow.  got my car checked out were its been so cold'no charge.,  next week i need to get a inspection sticker,  hope your having a great Tuesday..

went to stop and shop ., and coffee,  see you tomorrow.

01/27/2025 14:38:19

Afternoon., nice day in the 40's., did a few errands., plus went for coffee

bring back my new glasses for a refund I keep falling with these gave me the wrong lens

be on late tomorrow taken my car for service., hope you have a great   new week and a great night

My son coming for dinner but not until after 9  so i'll eat before he comes.

hugs June

PS if my friend HarperNC  ask's for friendship  please except  she a wonderful women..

01/26/2025 18:50:17

Evening happy Sunday., I hope you are having a wonderful day and night.

I did nothing today., but relax., hopefully tomorrow i have a few things to do.

have a good night

01/25/2025 18:24:28

Evening.,hope you had a great saturday.,

mine was busy cooking all day., made Italian gravy and homemade meatballs and sausages.,  plus breaded all the cutletlets put then in the freezer for another day.had a sandwich for dinner..,have a great night see you in the morning..

01/24/2025 20:01:02

Evening  my friend ., I hope your having a great Friday  and plans for the weekend.,

I went for coffee and the super market., bought veal cutlets on sale 9.99 lb  so bought 8 lbs

will bread them and freeze them., tomorrow i will make Italian gavey with meatballs and sausages.,  ., my son came by to fix my doorbell., ., hope you have a great night see you tomorrow.

01/23/2025 16:27:32

01/22/2025 15:37:50

Evening  went  back to the bank., they needed more papework.,  so now its a waiting game, went to the supermarket for a few cans of  soup to have in the house.

cold day  again today  have  a great night

01/21/2025 16:29:24

Evening  very cold single digits windy chill  below.,  tomorrow will be colder they say., i just went to the bank to file for the money  that was stolen.,  who knows when i'll get it., Am still not feeling well so dizzy.

hope your day was warmer and have a good night.,  

01/20/2025 14:53:46

AFTERNOON ,   sorry i been missing, feeling better

but so badly briused.,  we had 6 inches of snow.,  my son came by to shovel and clean my car., i haven't been out since saturday when i fell...

hope your having a good day.,   tomorrow i hope the roads are not icy  need to go grocery shopping and the bank., have a good night

01/17/2025 18:53:34

Evening my friend was a nice day  30's.,  went for coffee with the ladies

wanted to go to the grocery store but to much traffic  maybe tomorrow., were expecting a snow storm  sunday into  Monday so the store will be crowded., temps will be single digits.

hope your day better, see you in the morning.,

hugs  June

900+ Unique Goodnight Tags ideas | good night sweet dreams, good night ...

01/16/2025 16:26:54

Evening  its  so cold.,  i stayed in., plus the cleaning guy came

wish i went to the grocery store , i'll see about tomorrow., 

my son called me lazy ha ha I said.

hope you had a better day.

see you in the morning

01/15/2025 16:24:52

Evening  got a couple hours of  sleep., going to bed early  so tired.

went for coffee  and the dollar store

hope your having a good day,  temps in the single digits

see you in the morning.

01/14/2025 17:51:11

Evening was a chilly and windy day.,  my son came by last night but late 9., he's a trainer now plus does the mail

i made him  dinner homemade ravioli and Mac and cheese plus.,  i felt bad because i was so tired I asked him to take it home ., he didn't mind., but when i went to bed i only slept 1 hour.,  so i stayed in today..,  hope you had a great day.

see you in the morning., hugs

01/13/2025 18:36:22

Evening my friends.,  went for coffee., and back to the eyeglass place

to have them fix them., they ordered new lens  they just gave me distance not readers

going crazy switch from old to new.,  just have to wait now for the new lens to come in.

made homemade ravioli for my son dinner tonight., plus a batch of Macaroni and cheese for him to take home.,  should be here by 8.30., i hope he does because am  tire and want to go to bed.

01/12/2025 17:30:05

Evening, was a pretty good day sun was shining., melted a lot of snow

the roads are nice and clear.,  meet the girls for coffee.

hope your having  good day., took italian gravy out of the freezer for tomorrow dinner., my son will be by.

hope your having a good day., see you tomorrow.

01/11/2025 15:42:47

Evening., cold day  in the 20's  woke up to snow., all i did was go out to shovel a path for the mailman.,

my son son said he'll drop by  after work  hope he'll clean my car off

hope you're having a good day., see you in the morning.

hugs June

01/10/2025 18:01:45

Evening expecting some snow tonight into tomorrow

went to the bank., to file report to get my money that was stolen from a bank employee not just me., he took 50,000.,of mine  bought a house, cars ,trips  etc  but they caught him ., now its court time., so i wait for my money,  got my new glasses  but i don't see well with them will be going back.

then went for coffee., and after went and bought me a sandwich for dinner.,,

hope your day was better., see you in the morning.

hope your having a good day.  hugs june

01/09/2025 15:40:37

Evening another cold day had a little snow

I  stayed in today., but have a vfw meeting tonight

hope your day better., see you in the morning. have a good night., hugs

01/08/2025 16:44:04

Evening another  cold day 20's  it's ok  am happy no  snow

went to the stop and shop  for my water., then the coffee  shop.

hope your day better., sending prayer for the people in California fires..  have a good night


01/07/2025 17:11:54

Evening.,  so cold here wind chill bellow

only high of 20's today., and gettimg colder

hope your having a good day.,  i just went for coffee never got to the store hopefully tomorrow.goodnight

01/06/2025 16:35:45

Evening very chilly in the morning temps below but went to 30's today., got my gas bill went up to 300.  for 1 month  ouch heats on 68., went for coffee  and aldi's,

hope your having a great day.,

my son will be by  i made a homemade beef stew

have a good night, see you in the morning., goodnight

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