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03/04/2025 13:51:07

 Sweet Friend,


 Hope that you are having a nice day. Hugs

03/04/2025 13:44:41

"Time spent with the right person (and the right music) feels like a vacation from the world."  Have a great Tuesday.  Jazzsinger

03/04/2025 13:22:40

03/04/2025 12:36:48


03/04/2025 12:03:18

03/04/2025 10:19:13


03/04/2025 10:03:03
☀Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
☀Life Never Seems To Be
☀What We Want It..
☀But We Live It In The
☀Best Way We Can..
☀There Is No Perfect Life..
☀But We Can Fill It
☀With Perfect Moments.
☀Enjoy Your Day Dear Friend•*¨*•✿
☀Love ♥ From My Heart.
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

03/04/2025 09:20:08

03/04/2025 09:02:12

foto do tronco superior, fêmea, apontou orelhas de elfo, pele branca, cabelo Verde Pastel, boca fechada, traje nobre élfico antigo, joias élficas, pose dinâmica, complex fantasia character, nsfw, iluminação cinematográfica, fantasia, magia, fundo detalhado, em um antigo palácio élfico, melhor qualidade, HDR, 8k, fotorrealista, foto RAW, altamente detalhado

Story pin image

elven queen in seductive provocative pose

I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? HUgzzz xo 

03/04/2025 07:40:36

Hello, may your Tuesday begin well with

many successes, friendship is like a rose,

its color is beautiful with its texture, and 

perfume if you don't take care of it, it withers

 like friendship if you don't take care of it, it 

  withers Your laughter is music on the horizon,

 a true friendship,by being very sincere, from heart

 to heart,even in the distance, however far

 you are take care of it, the kilometers

 don't matter, the important thing is that

 you smile at the people who love you no matter

n where they are from, their race doesn't matter

the most valuable thing is their pure and glorious 

soul that encourages you and is always present in

your life, take care of yourself and smile with joy

maria, take care of yourself

03/04/2025 07:31:31

Good Morning sweet friend....:)

Slainte!! good health ..:) 

03/03/2025 13:52:26

A Tiny Home. Just imagine how anyone would design it in side.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday. 

03/03/2025 11:39:39

03/03/2025 11:22:51





03/03/2025 10:40:48

This may contain: a woman in a hat leaning on a rock

This contains: Cozy Morning Vibes: Savor Tranquil Outdoor Coffee Moments

Big HUgzzz my sweet friend..xo 

03/03/2025 10:03:14

Hi There my friend...:)

This may contain: two people riding in a horse drawn carriage down a dirt road next to a stone wall

This may contain: a green and white poster with the words, may the road rise to meet you

Story pin image

HUgzzz xo  

03/03/2025 08:04:54

Hello, friend, good start to a special week

Today is a gift to you, just like you are a 

gift to me.I am  glad that you are a part

  of my life.for your friendship Let's   

SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day May

 LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance.

see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'

ll be able to live a much richer life 

than others.Wishing you a warm and healthy 

morning,to make your day so special. Have

Smile and be happy. Be grateful for 

all the good things in your life.kisses 

take care........Maria

03/03/2025 06:01:01

i hope your
Monday goes very well for you my friend..many hugs xo 










03/03/2025 05:24:34

Mon image

Hello, Darling  

Have a great day !

Smile !

Spring is coming !!

In the night it freezes in order to kill all the vermin ,so that we can grow beautiful vegetables...
and we'll have delicious fruits.

In the day, we have nice sunshine...not warm yet...but that will come...

Smile and be happy !!

Lots of love


03/03/2025 05:16:03

Blessed New Week Archives - The Horse Mafia

03/03/2025 04:32:04

Mon image

Have a fabulous new week !!

Much love !


03/03/2025 02:25:41

Hello Sweetness!

Morning sweet Friend....Hope you had a restfull weekend and your ready
to enjoy what this new week n Month brings!Stay Well,Stay Safe, Stay
Beautiful n Humble querido amigo/amiga.Con Mucho amore y respeto , tu
amiga que nunca se olvida de ti, Janet.

03/03/2025 01:59:23

Hello Sweetness!

03/03/2025 01:51:06

Hello Sweetness!

03/02/2025 16:52:22

 Finding the time to get on here isn't easy the last couple of months, but I hope you're doing well angel. I'll try to be here more often I hope

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