Morning Sweet Friend.....Hope your week so far is not too stressful.May
the rest of the week be easier on you! Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay
Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho carino y respeto tu
amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.
Hi Chaser .. yes was the real me . and yes I have still 2 week vacation ...this is because I am still awake .. I am back home just now .. I was outside with friends ... and I love the songs 80s 90s too I will wait for your new song lol.. and no .. no for now lol
SoulCatcher wrote:
I did see your profile pic before this one but i didn't know that was the real you. I'm working in the logistics and we always listen to good music at work. I like 80''and 90's music. So you still have 2 weeks vacation? Do you also have Facebook or Instagram? It's almost my bedtime so will see you tomorrow. Enjoy your night!
THIS BELLA AS YOU CALL ME not saw the re magi ... here is the festa della Befana... la befana è una donna brutta con il naso storto che vola su una scopa .... but i call " befane" the women with heart black and that are ugly inside and out... and one to these not me .. i am proud of the woman i am ... maybe i wrong to write the word .. because sposa not is more for me .. i am felicemente divorziata ... and yeah why no? when you will come to Milan let me to know ... yes the photo i had was the real me ...
Hello my dear friend! How are you doing? I'm fine but very busy with men working at my apt...this seems like never will end. Only for wishing you amazing week ahead & a great Monday. Thank you for your nice friendship . Happy 2025! loving & missing yoy! Sweet kisses & a big hug!...Danny