A)Two turtle doves
B)Red Ryder BB Gun
C)Three French hens
Thank you for your friendship here on Boomers over the years. I pray all my friends and family here have a most blessed Christmas and a joyful prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
If you enjoy maple syrup and frostbitten toes,
perhaps a weekend in Canada is what you need:-D
Happy Jukebox Friday
Just a little note and wink across the distance
to Wish You a Wonderful Christmas Season,
with Love, Harmony and Joy...*♥*
“I hope everybody could get rich and famous
and will have everything they ever dreamed of,
so they will know that it's not the answer.”
~ Jim Carrey ~
Merry Christmas :)
“If there is anything that links the human to the divine,
it is the courage to stand by a principle
when everybody else rejects it.”
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
“Your beliefs affect your choices.
Your choices shape your actions.
Your actions determine your results.
The future you create depends
upon the choices you make
and the actions you take today.”
~ Roy T. Bennett ~
The minute you stop caring what others
think is the minute you start being yourself.
~ Unknown ~