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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
45 years old
Profile Views: 174113
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MEMBER SINCE: 03/14/2012
LAST LOGIN: 07/25/2024 15:35:30


Do you ever notice, as time goes by

The time seems to speed up quite a bit

So many things that you want to do

But in a day those things don't all fit?

We look back, as time goes by

And are amazed at what we've seen

Technology keeps flashing past

It is almost like in a dream.

Our friends, well, many we've lost

Too many, as time goes by

Way too many funerals

Too many reasons we have to cry.

But you know, we are so very lucky

We take time to appreciate the beautiful sky

Sweetness of nature and lovely friends

We enjoy so much, as time goes by!

My name is Bobby

I am a man of faith

I love my family

My little nephews are my world

My furbabies are my children

I have deep passion for musicā¤ Oldies

I am a man of many hats

I love my friends with all of my heart

Message me any timeā¤

Displaying 8 out of 3125 comments
07/26/2024 18:33:21

Sure am glad it's Friday! Raining right now but it took 

the temps down to the high 80's but it's not to bad! Hope this 

finds that your headed to a great weekend! We're gonna have a 

dinner at my daughters house, school starts in 2 weeks so i will 

be a Taxi again. Take them to school and picking them up! Only 

going to have one grandson he will be in the 10th grade! I can't 

wait till he is done with school! Waking up early again i will 

have to get use to it! Well you take care and share the Smiles! 

Have a Peaceful Evening! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Alway's!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot 

be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller ~

07/26/2024 18:25:40

07/26/2024 18:19:32

Evening was a beautiful day no humidity

they say all weekend to be 80;s.,

i went for ice tea., met the ladies., then went to Oceanstate job lot store.

hope you has a great day., see you tomorrow 

have a good weekend   night..

Evening  was a crazy day.,

rain off and on., suppose to be a nice weekend

went to lunch with  a girlfriend today, every thurdday we go

hope you had a good day and a wonderful night

07/26/2024 17:53:05

07/26/2024 16:39:35

My favorite Friday work song what fond memories! Have a fun Weekend whatever you do.

07/26/2024 16:11:06

Friday Love...

07/26/2024 15:21:49

07/26/2024 15:20:53

Sending love to my friend. Jesus loves you, so do I. Hugs for you.

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