Ce qui rend heureuse une existence
c’est d’avancer vers la simplicité
La simplicité de notre cœur
et celle de notre vie
Belle et douce soirée
a toi mon ami (e)
Douce nuit et de beaux rêves
What makes for a happy existence
is to move towards simplicity
The simplicity of our heart
and the simplicity of our lives
Lovely and sweet evening
to you my friend
Silent night and sweet dreams
“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.” Continue to be caring and giving to others. Hugzz xo
“I don't agree with the theory that adversity
and sorrow and disappointment develop moral strength.
The happy people are the ones who
are bubbling over with kindliness.”
~ Jean Webster ~
HUgzz, Maria xo
My baby girl...
week! I myself started off yesterday Dr visit. I found out
why i lost my sight while driving, i had a small stroke while
going down the road! When i got composure i was driving on
the wrong side of the road with my grandson in the car asleep.
It was a frightning time! I am still going to have a day full
of torture test to see if they can fix things. So that was fun!
Have a wonderful day/evening! Don't forget to share the Smiles
and sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!
choosing personality over character.
~ W. Somerset Maugham ~
Hello, a positive thought, on this Tuesday
loving and feeling loved, is the best thing that
can happen to you in this life, beautiful, may today
you be spread with joy, happiness, and love,
starting the day with a nice message
from people, who love you and appreciate you
will surely make you smile, and every day
will be as beautiful as you, I send you a shower of
blessings on this beautiful day and
enjoy the good things in life, I send you big
hugs, take care maria...........
Hello sweet friend, happy Tuesday! Have a good one... Kisses
Happy Monday late night xo
Blessed Night With :/Life