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05/20/2024 19:41:49



05/20/2024 16:05:44
05/20/2024 15:43:35

" When thou liest down, thou shall not be afraid:  yea, thou sleep shall be Sweet"

Proverbs 3: 24

" Nite . Nite, to yea "

In the Potters hand

05/20/2024 15:55:50

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,

05/20/2024 13:10:38

None of us, including me, ever do great things. 

But we can all do small things, with great love, 

and together we can do something wonderful.

~ Mother Teresa ~

05/20/2024 11:23:24

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Monday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

05/20/2024 09:38:07

good morning..may you have a pleasant day xoxo 











05/20/2024 04:45:13

Have a good new week


05/20/2024 01:01:18

05/19/2024 23:28:53


05/19/2024 23:27:56

05/19/2024 17:58:23


05/19/2024 17:58:06


05/19/2024 16:38:11

Even my friends., chilly rainy day again 50's

they this week going to be warm 70 and 80's  about time.

my son came by with my grandson he's visting from Idaho...

hope your having a good weekend.,  see you tomorrow

Even my friends., chilly rainy day again 50's

they this week going to be warm 70 and 80's  about time.

my son came by with my grandson he's visting from Idaho...

hope your having a good weekend.,  see you tomorrow

05/19/2024 15:19:42

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4 NKJV







For many liturgical and other church traditions, Pentecost Sunday happens 50 days after Easter, and it celebrates the beginning of the Church. Pentecost sparked an international effort to include everyone, Jewish and non-Jewish, into God’s family, which is one reason we see the “speaking in tongues” miracle happening.

05/19/2024 13:39:42

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent afternoon//evening!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

05/19/2024 13:30:52

God bless you this beautiful day!

05/19/2024 12:52:32

05/19/2024 11:21:33

The lord is my light and my salvation.

Psalms 27: 1

Bless Be

05/19/2024 10:55:38

Love you my friend . Stay Safe  ..Love and Blessings .



Today, the angels talk about the effects of the Sun and the Source, both of which are bombarding us with life-giving light right now. Let it flow within you, and you'll feel great; go against your flow, and it's not as pleasant. We'll help you navigate this energy with grace.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)

Photo of the WeekPhoto of the week

by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ

Simple pleasures are a great way to raise your vibe... in my case cute baby squash fresh from the garden do the trick!
Message from the AngelsMessages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have experienced an incredible amount of light these past few weeks flowing to you from your sun.  You are energetic beings, and without exception, this will affect you to varying degrees.
 The energy from your sun is a tangible representation of the Divine energy that gives life to all.

Like the source, your sun is self-generating. It constantly emanates its life-giving light, never asking for anything in return. It shines upon you without judgment, condition, or notion of whether or not you feel worthy. And just like that love from Source dear ones, you can choose to receive or block the light. You could live in a dark house with the shutters closed, complaining about darkness, or you could open the door a crack and let the light in. You can live in your world focused on its darkness and thus experience only that, or you could open your heart just a tiny crack to see the love that is available in the tiniest of ways, and suddenly, you would begin to notice it everywhere.

When your sun emits solar flares, it creates movement in your physical energy field. If your energy is flowing smoothly, it receives a "boost." If you hve stuck energy the light stirs it up and gets is moving. This is why so many are experiencing odd physical symptoms as your bodies feel areas of resistance to the heightened flow. This is why so many souls are leaving the planet suddenly—they decided to surf the current right out of the body and into the heavens! This is why old upsets can reappear if not completely dealt with, and this is why any small movement in the direction of your heart will result in you seeing support appear more quickly.

If you do things you are passionate about, you will feel energized. If you try to make yourself do things you don't authentically feel like doing in the moment, you'll feel exhausted. Find a way to feel good about what you have to do, dear ones, so you can accomplish your necessary tasks without falling asleep! 
 It is not a good time to push yourselves without mercy. Take small steps towards the things you desire. Gentle momentum will give you more energy. Pushing yourselves will deplete you.

As well as take care of your physical body. Drink your water. Get the minerals that the nervous system needs to function well. Listen to the cravings your body has. It tells you what it needs.

Both the visible and invisible lights are flowing to you in great measure, dear friends. Resistance to loving yourself will be felt more strongly, but the choice to be kind to yourself will feel as if the universe is magnifying your love. You live in exciting times, and the possibilities for creating new realities for yourselves have never been stronger. Listen to your hearts. Get in your own natural flow. In that space you can enjoy these intense times and tap into the love that is there for you, now, always, and forever.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

05/19/2024 09:11:47
To crush fear doesn't mean you
eliminate it; crushing fear means
you literally crush it down into
smaller. more manageable parts
and tackle one piece at a time.

Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse, of the Oglala Lakota tribe, played an integral role in the Battle of Little Bighorn, also known as Custer’s Last Stand. His likeness is now carved into a Black Hills mountain at The Crazy Horse Memorial. The famous leader resisted having his photograph taken, often responding to picture requests with “would you imprison my shadow too?” The memorial sculptor created his likeness based on descriptions from those who knew him. The grand visage, cut into granite, intends to honor the Native American values that Crazy Horse fought for and defended.
Why The Crazy Horse Memorial Remains Unfinished After 75 Years
Published July 5, 2023
Updated September 28, 2023

Situated on a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the nearly 600 feet high Crazy Horse Memorial has been under construction since 1948.

The Crazy Horse monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota’s Custer City is a marvel to behold. Despite construction having begun in 1948, the cliffside tribute to the Lakota chief has yet to be completed. Its development certainly makes for a riveting story, but is all the more remarkable for the man it aims to honor.

If completed, the sculpture will depict the Native American warrior on his horse and pointing to his tribal land below — which the Oglala sub-tribe he led considered sacred. His head is currently the only finished part of the sculpture. At 87 feet high, it exceeds that of each U.S. President’s head at Mount Rushmore by 27 feet.

Happy Trails Friend. Blessings

"Life is a song — sing it. Life is a game — play it. Life is a challenge — meet it. Life is a dream — realize it. Life is a sacrifice — offer it. Life is love — enjoy it."
Happy Trails Friend. Blessings

05/19/2024 09:02:39

wishing you a
awesome Sunday..hugs 









05/19/2024 01:13:44


05/19/2024 01:09:08


05/18/2024 22:26:24

05/18/2024 19:57:15

Evening another rainy day in the 50's very chilly

I stayed in today.,  hope you had a better day and your weekend going well.

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