Tu as déjà de la neige alors qu'en France dans ma région il fait encore un temps printanier. Je préfère le soleil car ici nous ne sommes pas habitués et pas équipés par temps neigeux mais enfin si tu aimes profites de ta neige et bonne semaine.
Good Morning! It is Monday and I am still looking for rain. We are supposed to have a good chance today.
It is hard to be content when most of my friends in the area have had rain. I know our turn will come soon!
So rain or shine, today is a good day to give thanks for my friends and maybe just read a book.
After all, reading can be magical and take us to places we have never been before.
But first, I am going to go look for my rain boots in case it does rain today. Oh, who am I kidding? If it rains, I will be out in the driveway dancing barefoot in the rain!
Morning Sweet Friend.....Here s hoping that your weekend was a relaxing
one, so that you are able to accomplish much this coming new week. Stay
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Hasta
Luego, com mucho carino y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti