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01/07/2025 13:37:30


Happy Tuesday :/

01/07/2025 12:12:43

Happy Tuesday Dear Greg
Love and Blessings

01/07/2025 11:23:23

01/07/2025 11:04:18





"A boldogság semmi egyéb, csak a jó érzés...Az az érzés, hogy érdemes az embernek élni."

Móricz Zsigmond




További szép téli napokat kívánok sok szeretettel, kedves Barátom!Enyha a tél jelenleg, de jön a hideg...Ölelésem, Éva


01/07/2025 11:02:02

Never be afraid to try something new 

because life gets boring 

when you stay within the limits 

of what you already knew.

~ Unknown ~

01/07/2025 10:33:10

Have a beautiful day Greg. Hugs & Love. :)

01/07/2025 10:20:45

Story pin image

Story pin image

Snowball Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

01/07/2025 09:32:37

01/07/2025 09:09:57

01/07/2025 08:58:12

Beautiful Blessed Morning

01/07/2025 08:41:06

This may contain: a coffee cup with hearts floating out of it and the words good morning written in red

01/07/2025 08:31:00

Morning dear Greg

01/07/2025 08:19:54

Enjoy Your Tuesday Greg

01/07/2025 07:03:41

This may contain: a woman in a fur coat and sunglasses standing in the snow with her hands on her hips

Story pin image

Cheers!! xo 

01/07/2025 06:39:55

Well i believe we are all cold this morning! 

Nice way to start the day bundled up in coats and hat! 

Yesterday was Dr. visit blood work for next Monday! I 

really need to have a heart to heart with the Dr! I will 

be in the house today and i am sure the dog won't be out 

long LOL! Have a good one day/night! Share the smiles 

today Greg! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart 

smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in 

sad hearts.

~ Paramahansa Yogananda ~

01/07/2025 05:07:03


Good Morning!  This weather has been wonderful for reading.  I love a really good book with a really happy ending.  


We all know that along the way in life, there are ups and downs, and sharp turns that take us in a different direction.  But where would we be now if we hadn't followed that new direction?  


As you read you realize that in life, all of us have a story to tell.  Have you thought about your story lately?  


Have you shared your story with family and friends?  Have your children and grandchildren learned a good life lesson from your story?  


We are all very different, unique, and our stories are all different.  Share the good and the bad because that is how we learn and get to where we are now.  


How is your story coming along?  One day, we will make it all the way through the book to The End.  


01/07/2025 04:46:02

Hello my dear friend, happy tuesday!   Kisses for you.

01/07/2025 04:21:02

Wishing you an awesome Tattoo Tuesday dear Greg :) Enjoy your day...I for one am now in full hibernation mode...wake me up in the Spring  xoxo

01/07/2025 03:05:39

01/06/2025 23:35:14

Hello Greg...

01/06/2025 21:05:22

01/06/2025 20:54:37


Hello Greg! 

Just wanted to share that I had an amazing, super productive first Monday of the year!  It feels great to start the year off on the right foot. I hope you all had a fantastic start to your week too! Wishing you all a relaxing evening and a good night’s rest!

01/06/2025 20:52:56


Hello Greg! 

Just wanted to share that I had an amazing, super productive first Monday of the year!  It feels great to start the year off on the right foot. I hope you all had a fantastic start to your week too! Wishing you all a relaxing evening and a good night’s rest!

01/06/2025 20:41:32

Take care Greg

01/06/2025 20:37:18

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