I am a firm believer that things
happen for a reason.
And things have a wonderful habit of working
themselves out regardless of how
you may plan them to the contrary.
~ Unknown ~
Merry Christmas ⭐❤️⭐
Good Morning my Precious Friend,
Merry Christmas to You & Yours !!
May your days be filled with Joyous times
with Tons of Sweetness, Love and Bliss ♥♥
"Merry Christmas!
May your home be filled with love, joy,
and peace this holiday season"
~ Winter Dreams ~
The greatest challenge in life
is discovering who you are.
The second greatest
is being happy with what you find!!
What we dream, we can create
Letting our imaginations run free;
The distance of our dreams,
Are only as far away as we let them be
“I wish I could make him understand
that a loving good heart is riches enough,
and that without it intellect is poverty.”
~ Mark Twain ~
“The rain will stop, the night will end,
the hurt will fade.
Hope is never so lost
that it can't be found.”
~ Ernest Hemingway ~
“I hope I make people feel better.
I hope I take people out of their situations
a little bit and make them happier.
That's really why I do what I do.”
~ Ellen DeGeneres ~
Just a little note and wink across the distance
to Wish You a Wonderful Christmas Season,
with Love, Harmony and Joy...*♥*
“I hope everybody could get rich and famous
and will have everything they ever dreamed of,
so they will know that it's not the answer.”
~ Jim Carrey ~
“If there is anything that links the human to the divine,
it is the courage to stand by a principle
when everybody else rejects it.”
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
“Your beliefs affect your choices.
Your choices shape your actions.
Your actions determine your results.
The future you create depends
upon the choices you make
and the actions you take today.”
~ Roy T. Bennett ~
The minute you stop caring what others
think is the minute you start being yourself.
Laughter is timeless.
Imagination has no age.
And dreams are forever.
Bonsoir my Dear Friend,
May You Enjoy a Purrfect Weekend with Joy,
Kisses & Caturday Purrs...=^.^= !!
“Nobody is exempt from the trials of life,
but everyone can always find something positive
in everything even in the worst of times.”
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
~ Leo Buscaglia ~
In life you have to build barriers..
not to block everyone out,
but to see who will make the effort to get past them...
they are the ones who deserve to be part of your life
Good Morning my Darling Friend,
It's time to decorate my Christmas Tree,
have you already done yours ?
Enjoy a Marvelous December with Love & Joy !!
Greetings form the Heart ♥♥
“You only live once,
but if you do it right,
once is enough.”
~ Mae West ~
Between what is said and not meant,
and what is meant and not said,
most of love is lost.
~ Khalil Gibran ~