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02/28/2025 12:47:43

Story pin image

I don’t regret
the things I did wrong.

I regret the good things
I did for the wrong people...

This may contain: a man and woman are posing for a photo in the 
dark with their arms around each other

02/23/2025 20:58:28

Women, you are not
rehabilitation centers
for badly raised men…
It is not your job to fix him,
change him, parent him
or raise him. You want a
partner not a project...

This may contain: a man and woman standing next to each other in 
front of a wall with gold trimming

02/15/2025 22:14:16

Story pin 

I've survived
too many storms
to be bothered
by raindrops...

This may contain: a man and woman kissing each other in front of a
 gray background with their eyes closed

02/08/2025 13:55:07

is when you have
a lot to say but you choose
to remain silent in front of fools...

This may contain: a man sitting next to a woman on top of a bed in
 black and white

02/02/2025 20:28:55

Don’t waste words
on people who
deserve your silence.

Sometimes the most
powerful thing you can
say is nothing at all....

This may contain: black and white photograph of a man kissing a 
woman's face with her eyes closed

01/25/2025 18:44:49

This may contain: a woman wearing a black 
lace mask and dress

Accept people as they are,
but place them
where they belong.

You are the CEO of your life.
Hire, fire and
promote accordingly....

This may contain: a man standing next to a woman in a black dress 
with her arms around her

01/19/2025 19:32:28

01/19/2025 12:10:56

Wishing you a Relaxing Kinda Sunday! Smooches ♥

01/19/2025 10:41:50

Just doing some Sunday Shopping .....♥ xo

01/18/2025 16:49:48

This may contain: a woman wearing a mask with roses on 
her chest and shoulder, in black and white

Do everything
with a good heart
and pure intentions,
with no exceptions, and
you'll never be disappointed....

This may contain: a man standing next to a woman in a black dress

01/18/2025 16:05:25

♥Some Saturday Loving your way ♥

01/18/2025 15:40:59

01/14/2025 17:53:44

01/14/2025 17:46:13

01/13/2025 20:00:55

01/13/2025 19:14:43

Make-out Monday Night............♥

01/12/2025 20:34:37

This may contain: a man and woman wearing masquerades 
with their faces close to each other

Stay away from people
that can't see any wrong
in their actions,
but see every wrong in yours...

This may contain: a man and woman are kissing in the dark

01/11/2025 22:04:04

01/11/2025 21:48:05

Wishing you a Sweet Caturday Night........♥ :)

01/10/2025 11:27:51

01/09/2025 19:31:45

01/09/2025 18:31:58

01/08/2025 13:05:47

Sensual Hump day for you ♥ Kiss ♥ Kiss

01/08/2025 12:25:35

Stay nice and Toasty my Sweet Friend ♥♥♥

01/07/2025 14:19:28

Sending you lots of Love ♥ Stay Warm out there.... xo

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