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03/11/2025 09:35:28

Happy Taco Tuesday!

03/10/2025 09:35:06

Pace yourself ... It's just a peanut!

Turkey Burgers

Fried Pickles!

I didn't forget about Chocolate!!!

French Croissants filled with Chocolate!

03/09/2025 10:14:37

Too Much Chocolate!? (Says no one!)

Try the Candied BACON!!!

03/08/2025 09:12:59

Too much? ... But it's Chocolate!!!

Celebrating International Women's Day

03/08/2025 09:05:42

Too much? ... But it's Chocolate!!!

Celebrating International Woment's Day

03/07/2025 09:31:28



What's better than Snickerdoodles?


Snickerdoodles with Chocolate Chips!!!

03/06/2025 10:31:41



Go ahead, no one's looking and I won't tell


Put a scoop on your pancakes even

03/06/2025 08:24:51

Hello Sweetness !

Hope you Enjoy some Delightful Times,

with much Joy, Harmony and Love.

Hugs from the Heart...♥

“Time is a mind construct. It’s not real.” Happy Birthday Prince !


03/05/2025 09:02:35

Beetroot Soup

Cepelinai - Potato Dumplings


Turkish Delight and Coffee

Rice Krispies Treats - Good


03/04/2025 19:04:54
Gala Mask 265bt photo IMG_0865.jpg
Masks 500x235 photo IMG_0864.jpg
500x255bt photo IMG_0811.jpg
Float 500x285bt photo IMG_0866.jpg
Sins and Virtues photo imagejpg1-1.jpg

Sins and Virtues

Mask 500x411bbt photo IMG_0847.jpg
Masks/Beads 375 photo IMG_0676.jpg
Red Mask 370v photo IMG_0858.jpg
500 photo image-5.jpg

"Sweetest of Dreams"

03/04/2025 08:56:28

C'mon up ... Cafe and Beignets

There is no such thing as too much  ... in NOLA

"Let The Good Times Roll"

03/03/2025 10:31:30

03/02/2025 11:24:34

03/01/2025 11:24:36

Date Night ...

02/28/2025 09:11:44

Yes, that's Calamari. Yes, Calamari is Squid!

If you've ever had rubbery Calamari ...

It wasn't made well. Try it again. 

Crab Cakes

Capers, Lox (Salmon) Cream Cheese, Bagel

02/27/2025 13:28:45

Breaded Chicken - BBQ Chicken

Yes, I do eat something other than Chicken.

Why do you ask?

02/27/2025 05:24:26

Good Morning my Cherished Friend,

Hope you're doing well having lovely times.

Sending You Bunches of Love & Peace...


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27 idées de Beaux espaces en 2025 | déco maison, déco bohémienne, décoration maison

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Flower Power Summer Sticker by Shabby Tiger Jewelry - Find & Share on GIPHY

02/26/2025 12:51:21

Do not limit yourself to just peanuts.

Covered in Chocolate ... it's all good

02/25/2025 08:19:33

I'd get one of those ... if I could drive!

Instead, I'll rely on Home Delivery

Happy Taco Tuesday!

... And have some ... Chocolate!!! ...

02/23/2025 10:00:59

02/22/2025 10:33:11

I like Coffee better

And Donuts!!!

02/22/2025 06:16:36

Good Morning my Treasured Friend,

Wishing You a Field of Flowered Harmony

with some Shiny Wellness on Your Weekend !

Enjoy it with pure Delight, Love your way...

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02/21/2025 09:29:41

02/20/2025 09:21:09

02/19/2025 09:55:46

Did I mention that I really like Caramel?

 And creamer ...

 I just can't drink my coffee black ...

~ Not even with Cookies or Desserts ~

But I won't rule out with Kahlua!

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