Life is an adventure . . . and I have had several. . . adventures
Female 75 years old Westfield, Indiana United States Profile Views: 131
    [ 24414 ]
11/18/2008 06:11:38 |
Dramas, documentaries, beautiful landscapes of foreign countries, mysteries, rarely comedies.
Classical, rock, jazz, blues, about anything but country western.
Murder mysteries, historical novels, related to my field of work or many other interests
Reading, writing, walking, meeting people, traveling al lover the world, learning, adventures of all kinds. News junkie, write poetry, enjoy time alone,
56 year old female, work in the medical field, have two sons - ages 23 and 25 - one grandson who is almost 2 and is the light of my life, blond e hair, great smile, have traveled a great deal, live with 3 cats, grew up in CT and educated in Boston,MA, graduate degree in Management, witty, great sense of humor, a little erudite at times, I am not skinny and am a little overweight.
Meeting single men with similar interests, values and experiences and education; a good bottle of white wine; most ethnic foods; traveling somewhere that I have never been to before; a blazing fireplace in the winter; fresh flowers; intelligence; creativity; long dinner conversations with friends; politics; learning something new; trust; kindness; compassion; finding answers; discovering something new; heroes; laughing
Smokers,country western music, NASCAR, hunting, camping, RVing, prejudice, narrow mindedness, married men, people who drink too much regularly, uses recreational drugs to feel high, hate,violence, jealousy, people that lie, martyrs, whiners, want someone to take care of them, victims, religious intolerance of any kind, etc, etc
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