Morning my sweet Friend Steve....I hope that this mid-week finds you
well.Hold on , only a few more day s until Friday and than the weekend
lol.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amigo/amiga.Com mucho carino y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de
ti, Janet.
Evening it was high 70's today., they say tomorrow the same
beautiful weather for November., went to dunkins the came home made the stuffing for raviolis so just did stuff peppers today., i hope am not lazy tomorrow and will make the raviolis., hope you had a great day., see you in the morning., hugs June
En raison d'une coupure
de courant demain matin dans ma ville entre 9 h et 12 h je serai dans
l'impossibilité de vous écrire comme tous les matins et vous donne
rendez vous à partir de jeudi au même horaire. Bonne soirée et à jeudi.