Hello, Sorry for the prolonged absence. Winter & especially the Holidays just aren't my favorite times. Even more so without my Wife Judy, whom I lost not all that long ago. It's just difficult to get into a cheerful mood when it's not how I'm actually feeling inside. I appreciate every one of you & all the Wonderful comments you've posted for me(yes, I've seen every one. - Please have patience with me as I navigate these dark, sometimes unbearable times.
Morning Sweet Friend.....The end of a spectacular year and the begining
of another.I hope you have many wonderful things to accomplish this
year, I know I do. I hope your weekend is amazing n restful. Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho
amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.
Hope this finds you enjoying a fresh new year! Still exhausted from having a small NYE party. Too old for hosting duties. Not like even like 5 yrs ago when I still had stamina. Fun but too much work.
Good Evening June, It was 52 today and rain, and felt colder. Gas was down to 2.95 when I got it today, that is good. Seems 2 days of the New Year have gone by fast. Did go to the Dollar Tree and got what I needed and finally got a computer of mine an 11 year old computer with windows 10 to work with YouTube so I can record live. Not sure I understand why the other two it wouldn't work right. I had trouble with the other two to get the mic to work. Now I can do what I want to do. That is good. Hope you will have a great Friday June. Take care, Bro. Doc
Evening very cold day., the wind is hollowing , I stayed in today colder tomoorrow they say