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06/26/2024 00:32:39

Hello Sweetness!

Morning Sweet Friend.....Happy Wednesday to you my Friend! Rise and
another glorious day to be thankful for! See you back here on Friday,
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amigo/amiga como siempre enviado con mucho amor y respeto su querida
amiga gue nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

06/26/2024 00:14:14

Hello Sweetness!

   Appreciate your  Uniqueness.

What Makes You Different or Weird  That' s  Your    Strength.     ---- Meryl   Streep ----

Enjoy  Your  DayMy  Sweet Friend!

06/25/2024 23:48:51

Hello Sweetness!

Love is all I'm sending     to you Sweet One.Have a Fun Day My     Beautiful Friend!

06/25/2024 23:28:15

“Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.”
― Michael Jackson ~ Sweet dream friend





“Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.” – Michael Jackson

06/25/2024 21:52:04

         Sweet dreams, LV. B. XXOO   


06/25/2024 20:03:29

Good Evening June, glad I live in Junction City Oregon where the temp was perfect at 85 and lots of sun. Hope and pray that your eye surgery goes well, and you will see great when done. Take care and have a good day tomorrow. Bro. Doc

Evening hope your having a great Tuesday

was a very humid day tomorrow the same.

going tomorrow for eye surgery they called this morning to confirm.

8.45 am   so i wont be on., just went for coffee today

and met the  ladies., have a good night.

Hugs June


06/25/2024 20:01:39

Lets hope they keep the appointment with you June and they don't cancel. Will pray that all go wells. Bro. Doc

Brodoc wrote:

   well they called today o confirm tomorrow 8.45

It seems like when they make an appointment they should keep it. I hope you had some notice that they were cancelling it?  If you were to give them last minute notice they probably would bill you. I had that tried on me once when a Doctor cancelled at the last minute. I told them that if this happened again I was going to bill them for the one hour that was not used. I was told I could not do that. But I am a professional being a Preacher, and I can legally bill for the time. I said you would have billed me for not giving you notice. It never happened again. Well, the good thing your son came to dinner and that was the highlight of the day. Take care June. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:

Yes messed up my day
My son came by ..ibought dinner

Brodoc wrote:

Good Evening June, Here you make plans to do the surgery today and they decide to do it Wednesday when you might have had lots of things to do. Right now at 6:17 p.m. it is 79 wonderful sunny degrees. Have a great evening and tomorrow. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:

Was canceled until Wednesday




06/25/2024 20:01:02

06/25/2024 19:52:10
Hope you have a good night june

06/25/2024 19:45:11

06/25/2024 19:35:35

06/25/2024 19:33:52

06/25/2024 19:21:36

Prayers starting now and tomorrow too!

june711 wrote:

Evening hope your having a great Tuesday

was a very humid day tomorrow the same.

going tomorrow for eye surgery they called this morning to confirm.

8.45 am   so i wont be on., just went for coffee today

and met the  ladies., have a good night.

Hugs June

06/25/2024 19:14:39

This may contain: a jar filled with hearts sitting on top of a sandy beach next to the ocean

06/25/2024 19:14:16

06/25/2024 18:48:45

06/25/2024 17:28:29

Best of luck & a wish for a quick recovery on your eye surgery! ߌ

06/25/2024 17:14:14












06/25/2024 16:49:40



06/25/2024 16:35:25

06/25/2024 16:22:25

06/25/2024 14:53:37

Happy Tuesday Friend :)

06/25/2024 14:07:42

I really enjoy each and every comment you send me. Thank You. Big hugs and chilled wine, it’s hot here today

06/25/2024 13:47:43

  Only 1 more day of steroids & antibiotics, then they Turn me lose! NO restrictions - NO nothing! (but I DO have to have updated glasses for readin & Close-up Work)

06/25/2024 13:45:38

Words can only have an effect on you 

if you choose to listen to them.

~ Unknown ~ 

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