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08/05/2024 09:56:49
The unanswered prayer is never the unheard prayer. God's answer may be " not yet''.

The truth is, everyone
  who meets you
genuinely wants to
The best YOU is the
authentic, bruised,
brave, perfectly
imperfect you.
You are beautifully awesome

Good Morning 

The Lotus And The Pond

A grey bearded old man and a young man were observing the blooming of a lotus, sitting on a shore of a silent pond, when a young man interrupted the silence.

“Master, why the meaning of life is hidden from us? We meditate trying to understand the logic of things happening around us, we see separate parts and we are aware of their interrelations. But all of our efforts appear to be vain when a new component appears, destroying all of the previous logical constructions.”

“The meaning of life,” the teacher reluctantly turned his eyes from the flower, “can only be understood by someone whose mind isn’t clouded with earthly troubles, wishes and passions. Only new-borns are close to that state. The essence of a new-born reminds a lotus, soaring on the unshakable stillness of the pond. The surface of their soul isn’t touched by the wind of aspirations, the rain of attachments, the snow of grievance, and the ice of loss. Their moistness isn’t dried by fears, malodorous bubbles of fear don’t take to the surface the slime from the bottom, their shores are empty, and the forest by the shore doesn’t defile the child’s clean water with fallen leaves, branches and needles. And later the World appears, with all of its meaningless worldliness. On the shores of the pond an impenetrable thicket of teachers grows up, mentors, friends, enemies, lovers, children, relatives. Constantly, the surface of the water becomes inseparable from the thick garbage on the shore. Every word, every moral, every kiss, every punch or kindness, every our influence disturbs the untouched soul of a child, making him to grow up and go further and further from the understanding of the meaning of life.”

“But we can’t get rid of all of this,” the student shouted out heatedly. “We are people! Our life consists of the course of these actions, this coil, the boiling of these passions and wishes! Or are you asking people to become ferns?!!”

“You’ve understood everything right, my boy,” a light smile touched the lips of the old man. “You want to search for the meaning of life? Search for it. But to do that, you will need to refuse every carnal wish, attachment and feeling, become the grass, the fern, go live in the temple, become a hermit, rip all of the ties that join you with worldly troubles and passions, and then, possibly, you will be able to go back to the beginning. But what all of this is for? Is the search worth it? Ask yourself this question and if the answer will be negative, remain the person between the people.”

The teacher turned his eyes towards the lotus again and finished, “And about the meaning of life you will always be able to talk with friends, while sitting in the shade of your home terrace, listening to the cheerful laughter of children, and drinking green aroma tea, that your loving wife brings you.”

Don't shut out the world

because you feel betrayed.

Believe a divine plan is in

place to bring you serenity

and understanding .

Love and blessings.

08/05/2024 09:24:00

08/05/2024 09:18:12

The truth is, everyone who meets you genuinely wants to MEET THE REAL YOU, The best YOU is the authentic, bruised, brave, perfectly imperfect you. You are beautifully awesome.

Story about overcoming adversity

The Snake was crawling on the ground. The Eagle flew to her and said: – How unfortunate you are, doomed to crawl all your life. Not like me – I am destined to fly. The Snake looked at the Eagle and said: – You are right Eagle, I can’t fly. But only I know what it means to fly. – How can you know that? – The Eagle smiled, – you don’t have wing! – Thoughts are my wings, – said the Snake proudly, – Dreams are my heaven. While crawling on the ground I close my eyes and I see the heaven. I imagine that I’m crawling in heaven not on the ground. Yes, it’s impossible to crawl in heaven, you can only fly. It means that in those moments I am flying. In my free thoughts I am learning to fly, Eagle. With my soul I am arising to the high heaven, so when my time comes and my life as a snake comes to an end, I could ascend into the blue heaven, into the endless heaven and fly, to fly and not think about anything, enjoying my freedom. And I won’t be afraid to fly, because it won’t be a new thing for me. For you Eagle, the wings were given as you were born, but not for me. But the heaven will make us equal. We will be flying together one day, Eagle, under the clouds. Only I will be stronger and freer than you, because I have learned how to fly without having wings, simply crawling on the ground. Both things are available for me. I am not afraid to lose my wings because I know how to crawl, and I am not afraid to gain wings because I know how to fly. And what will you do, Eagle, if you lose your wings?

08/05/2024 09:13:18


Monday is here and I hope you have had some rain as we are in the 100's this week.  


Look at the beauty all around.  Are you still seeing butterflies fluttering around the blooms of your flowers?  


Sometimes you have to look real hard to see what is right in your hand.  


It is easy to spot what is obvious.  God wants you to see everything that he made as beautiful and to love everything and everyone.  


By this time next month, we will be seeing signs of fall all around us.  The colors will change but the beauty will still surround us.  


I have been sitting on the patio for almost 2 hours.  I have seen Doves, Cardinals, Mockingbirds, Starlings and all kinds of small birds.  I have had bees, butterflies, wasps, and more on the flowers right next to me.  I have seen hummingbirds at the orange Lantana, pink Hoya, and red Turks Cap.  They come to the feeder and then within 2' of my face looking at me.  A slight breeze just started after feeling the warm sun on my face.  Come join me please.  


08/05/2024 09:10:15

Good morning, have a great  Monday & great new week,LV B. XXOO 


08/05/2024 08:45:55

When this happens. I hope YOURS is much better. Happy Monday to start

08/05/2024 07:41:05

Look beyond any imperfections to find happiness this week. The reward will be peace of mind! ☯️

08/05/2024 07:32:56

08/05/2024 06:57:25

I wish you a great Monday and new week..Love and hugs ! smiley-wink.gif

08/05/2024 06:46:29

I wish you a nice monday 

08/05/2024 03:50:51

08/05/2024 03:36:11

08/05/2024 02:40:13

Hello sweet friend...have a nice week...happy Monday! Hugs

08/05/2024 01:32:05

Hello Sweetness!

If the Kindest of Souls wererewarded with the longest Lives,dogs would outlive us all.


Man s Best Friend!

08/05/2024 01:23:38

“Again I say, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God.” The disciples were greatly astonished when they heard this and said, Then who can be saved? Jesus looked at them and replied, “This is impossible for mere humans, but for God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:24-26 NET ~ Checking In, hot sidetracked.... My great niece requesting pics of my oldest sister for her obituary. Monday Blessings friend.





08/05/2024 01:23:28

Hello Sweetness!

Enjoy  The  Beauty  This  Day  Brings!

08/05/2024 01:14:38

Hello Sweetness!

Your Awesome, So Make    Your Day Awesome!

08/04/2024 22:18:58

  That's hat I'd pick too,..but maybe have brownies afterward!

08/04/2024 22:11:53



08/04/2024 21:51:21

08/04/2024 21:26:46

08/04/2024 20:38:51

For your health you need to get AC

08/04/2024 20:30:31

      Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 


08/04/2024 19:46:59

Good Evening June, maybe the storm from FL (Debby) is sending the rain your way. Here it is 93 at 5:45 and nice. Take care my friend. Bro. Doc

Evening  were having heavy rains

went  to market basket grocery., but got caught in it coming home,

went first to the coffee shop., still very humid

hope you had a good weekend., see you in the morning..


08/04/2024 19:40:46

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