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ALL ABOUT ME Married for 42 years, 2 children and 1 angel. we have 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. Exciting time for her as she will turn 16 in Oct. We used to farm and milk cows and now we have a hardwood sawmill. My husband retired (yeah right) from that 2 years ago. We like to travel and ride motorcycle and have even taken some long trips on it. I like dogs and have 2 Labradors, and a cat. We enjoy camping and dining out.

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
74 years old
Athens, Wisconsin
United States
Profile Views: 594
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MEMBER SINCE: 01/30/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 06/16/2012 08:51:04

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Top Gun,Pretty Woman, Ghost, Snow Dogs, Old Yeller, Other Side Of The Mountain, Silence Of The Lambs,

Rock and Roll 50-60's, Country, Easy listening,

Mysterys-Evonavich, Patterson, Robb, Kellerman, Mary Higgans Clark. Fav book is Marley and Me.

Showing dogs(obedience&Rally). Scrapbooking, Reading mysterys,Riding my Honda GW Trike! Surfing the net,Time with hubby and family.

Married for 38 years, 2 children, 1 Angel. Ihave 3 Grandkids, 3 Furkids, all Chocolate Labs.
We love to travel and have been to alot of the US and Europe. Love Mexico for a relaxing vacation..
Bought my "trike" last June and really love cruising on it! This is my first motorcycle, so it proves your never to old to do what you want!
My hubby owns a sawmill with his brother. Our son works there also and drives our semi as well. It keeps them all busy year round.
Our daughter is Human Resource manager at Foremost Farms, has 3 children, and lives 6 miles away.We are handy in case anything goes wrong.
Our other daughter passed away in '99. She had a baby boy and the next day a blood clot hit her lungs. Our other daughter and her husband adopted him. We are very lucky to have him with us, he has brought a lot of joy and mischief in to our lives!

Honest people, Good conversation, sense of humor(very important) dancing,nice smile, self confidence,neat apperance,

Bad teeth, bad breath, sloppy demeaner,bragging,loud mouth know it all attitude.

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