Looking for good friends!
Female 69 years old Daytona Beach, Florida United States Profile Views: 203
    [ 24433 ]
05/28/2013 14:52:57 |
Moonstruck, Napoleon Dynamite, Harry Potter movies, Lord of the Ring movies, Kate & Leopold, Love Actually, (actually anything with Colin Firth in it), The Matchmaker, Bringing Down the House, The Wedding Crashers, but don't like violent films with gratuitous bloodshed and shock value.
Oh I love most of it! well, except for rap or loud head-banging stuff. I love classic rock and roll, golden oldies, 80's, disco, country, gospel, some blues, some folk, Celtic, contemporary Christian. Music makes the world go around!
Anita Blake series (Laurell K. Hamilton), Outlander series (Diana Gabaldon), Sue Grafton alphabet series, Patricia Cornwell Kay Scarpetta books, Nora Roberts, John D. MacDonald mysteries (Travis McGee), lawyer thrillers, mysteries, Dorothea Benton Frank southern fiction, Mary Kay Andrews southern fiction, J.A. Jance mysteries, Charlaine Harris 'dead' series, Luanne Rice . . . the list goes on. I love to read, and if I could make money reading books, I would probably be a millionaire by now!
arts and crafts shows, reading, shopping, gardening, doing lunch, going to the beach, doing little day trips in the area, watching good movies, swimming, walking, cooking, dancing.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6!
I am a registered nurse who has worked in hospitals for 14 years, but now am looking to expand my horizons by becoming a forensic nurse. I lived here in 1999 through 2001, but had to move to California with my husband's job. We couldn't stand being away from Florida, so we decided last year to move back here. I am a caring individual who likes to read, garden, cook, watch a good movie, go to the beach, go do lunch and shopping. I am dieting so I won't be splurging calories too often, but do love to share a good cup of coffee. There are lots of fun things for friends to do; I am just waiting for the right friends to do them with. Please contact me if you would like to be my friend. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName: DebbieBirthday: 9-22Birthplace: Duncan, OKCurrent Location: Daytona Beach, FL -- paradiseEye Color: Sapphire blueHair Color: light brown streaked with blondeHeight: 5ft 7inchesRight Handed or Left Handed: RightyYour Heritage: Irish, Native American, English, GermanThe Shoes You Wore Today: my BirkenstocksYour Weakness: puppies, my kids, and babiesYour Fears: fire, heights, snakesYour Perfect Pizza: pepperoni and mushroom with triple cheeseGoal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get fitYour Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lolThoughts First Waking Up: oh man. . . do I have to get up now?Your Best Physical Feature: my heartYour Bedtime: about 1-ish -- I am a night owl from way back!Your Most Missed Memory: going camping with my family, and talking to my daddyPepsi or Coke: Coca-Cola, its the real thing, baby!MacDonalds or Burger King: neither, how about Steak N Shake?Single or Group Dates: whatever rings your chime!Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, but I rather like Luzianne or Tetley betterChocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, as it should be its' own food groupCappuccino or Coffee: can I say both?Do you Smoke: not any more -- quit after 28 years of smokingDo you Swear: one of my bad habits, to be sureDo you Sing: in the carDo you Shower Daily: of courseHave you Been in Love: yes, it usually gets me in some kind of trouble lolDo you want to go to College: been there, done thatDo you want to get Married: I have a PhD. in thatDo you belive in yourself: yes, I doDo you get Motion Sickness: only if I am riding in a car and we are going through mountainsDo you think you are Attractive: yes, I can beAre you a Health Freak: no way -- I am trying to be healthier, but I think moderation is the key!Do you like Thunderstorms: if I am snuggled up in bed, yesDo you play an Instrument: noIn the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yesIn the past month have you Smoked: no, see aboveIn the past month have you been on : huh?In the past month have you gone on a Date: noIn the past month have you gone to a Mall: yesIn the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: noIn the past month have you eaten Sushi: ackkk! phewwwwwww! ewwww noIn the past month have you been on Stage: noIn the past month have you been Dumped: noIn the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: the water isn't warm enough yet lolIn the past month have you Stolen Anything: I don't stealEver been Drunk: umm unfortunately, a few timesEver been called a Tease: way back long time ago, maybeEver been Beaten up: yesEver Shoplifted: see aboveHow do you want to Die: asleep, happy, after I have had ample time with my grandchildren and husband and kidsWhat do you want to be when you Grow Up: a forensic nurseWhat country would you most like to Visit: IrelandIn a Boy/Girl..Favourite Eye Color: Green is my very favorite, but blue and brown are awesome tooFavourite Hair Color: BlackShort or Long Hair: it depends on the personHeight: 6 ftWeight: proportionate to heightBest Clothing Style: PreppyNumber of I have taken: huh?Number of CDs I own: oh, probably at least 50Number of Piercings: one in each earNumber of Tattoos: none, yetNumber of things in my Past I Regret: not spending more time with my Daddy while he was still aliveCREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!
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Irish or Scottish accents, green eyes, romance, the sound of ocean waves crashing into the beach, good friends laughing and having a good time with me there, too
Rude, inconsiderate, racist, conceited people who only look at a person's looks to decide whether they are worth knowing or not. Controlling people, drama queens (either sex lol), hypochondriacs
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