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Hey, accept my friend's request :)

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
59 years old
Kingston, Tennessee
United States
Profile Views: 283
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MEMBER SINCE: 01/15/2011
LAST LOGIN: 06/09/2011 03:49:14

I made this for my Grandma. She meant the world to me.

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Love the Twilight series, but haven't read anything but the news online lately.

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I still love making tags in PSP and of course photo editing. I went to school for at the Art Institue of Pittsburgh and they discriminated against me so bad. I had a 4.0 and it didn't matter to them so here I am...back to doing what I love best...making graphics! My other hobbies would be gardening, dancing, camping, fishing (anything outdoors), although I am very limited now to enjoy these. I love to sketch too when i find the time.

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No clue what a bucket list is...hmmm

Tis' me DaisyGurl and I'm back! I live in a small town in East Tennessee with my two kids, Tara who's 16(going on 30..haha) and Dylan who is 10. They are what I live for! My best friend also lives with me...we've been through hell and high water together. I'm USUALLY easy goin,friendly,and love to help if ya need something....until you screw me over...then I can be a total bitch! I have been married to the love of my life for almost five years now, but we've known each other for almost nine. Talk about a tough ride! Well, hope to be seeing you around!

I really don't think you want to know..haha!

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My biggest turn off is DRAMA...I will not go there unless you push me and trust me I'll win! I can't stand back-stabbers or liars either...they can kiss my a$$! Yes, I have somewhat of an attitude at times because I have been wronged way too many times.

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