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Live, Love & Laugh Often

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
58 years old
Profile Views: 404
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/02/2007
LAST LOGIN: 12/23/2007 16:30:32

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Lots of them. I like almost anything when it comes to movies. Some faves are the Harry Potter movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, Titanic, Meet Joe Black, Anything with Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage in it and also Horror movies-luv them.

I love all types of music except rap-don't like listening to that. I pick music to suit my mood at the time.

Too many to list. Some favorite authors are Margaret George, John Saul, Laurell K Hamlton, Khaled Hoessini, MaryJanice Davidson, Judith Hendricks, J.K. Rowling.....and many, many more. I will read most anything-not much for magazines and such though.

Reading, crafts, playing with my dog, walking, exercising, spending time with family & friends, gardening, the computer, movies,...

Well I'm back for those of you who remember me. I lost a friend to cancer recently and just needed time to regroup or maybe just to figure out life again. It really makes you sit back and realize how short life can be and how we really need to make the most of it while we have it in our hands.

As for me I'm 41, single, I have a dog who is my 'kid'. I love to read and belong to some great reading groups. I have a great family and wonderful friends but there is always room for so many more I think. I love the summer time and it passes so quickly. One thing I can say for Canada is it's cold in the winter and I'm not too fond of that. LOL.

I hope to meet new and old friends. I'd love to reconnect with those I knew the last time around. There are some really great people here at Boomer and I really missed a lot of you. I am single and keeping an eye out for that special somebody but at the same time I enjoy my own company and do quite well on my own. I always dream though that I will, in my lifetime, meet my soul mate...

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Lots of them...a beautiful summer morning, my first cup of coffee in the morning, the sound of my dog's pitter patter as he's running to see me, the sound and smell of a summer rain, hugs from family and friends, dog kisses and so many more...

Rude, crabby people. Miserable drivers. Unloyal, untrustworthy people.

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