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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
67 years old
Monticello, Illinois
United States
Profile Views: 191
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MEMBER SINCE: 10/09/2015
LAST LOGIN: 10/14/2015 17:01:20


To Kill a Mockingbird
True Stories

Rich Mullins
Joni Mitchell
Dead Can Dance
Yo-Yo Ma
Cassandra Wilson
Afro Celt Sound System
Kurt Bestor & Sam Cardon
Alan Parsons
Allman Brothers Band

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
Dancing Yu Li Masters by Gary Zukov
Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott
The Lives of a Cell by Lewis Thomas
Expecting Adam by Martha Beck
The Shaman's Nephew: A Life in the Far North by Simon Tookoome with Sheldon Oberman
Seeing in the Dark by Colleen Deatsman and Paul Bowersox
The Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying by Kristin Madden
Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander
The Miracle of Death by Betty J. Kovács
The Last Adventure of Life by Maria Dancing Heart
On Life After Death by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Final Journeys by Maggie Callanan
Final Gifts by Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley
The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Robert A. F. Thurman
The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Stephen Hodge and Martin Boord
The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield
Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

I'm an oddball.

I call myself a psychopomp in training, which is a mouthful of nuthin'. A psychopomp is a "soul guide," a guide to the afterlife.

See, it all started when my dad died. He was in an accident and it took a couple weeks for him to die. I was in our hotel room one afternoon as my mom was out gathering supper. I was working on solving a thorny problem and suddenly everything worked. Just as suddenly, blackness came over me and I fell onto my bed into an instant deep sleep. I was awakened by the hospital calling to say my dad had died.

I've always felt that I'd "walked him from this realm," though I remember nothing.

I've carried this with me over the years. There are three populations of people who are comfortable discussing death: hospice, paranormal, and shamanic. One thing I've noticed is that all three paths say the very same thing: No one dies alone.

Apparently it is common for those who are near death to be visited by folks who have already died. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross said it well in her book called On Life After Death:

"But at the time of transition, your guides, your guardian angels, people whom you have loved and who have passed on before you, will be there to help you. We have verified this beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I say this as a scientist. There will always be someone to help you with this transition." —Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

So: I'm not a morose person, and I certainly don't talk about death all the time. I am someone who believes that we avoid discussing an important topic— but I won't make you! (big smile)

Enjoy your day. Thanks for reading all that.

I live on a little piece of heaven: ten acres with a canoe-size river running through it. The other side of the river is bottomland; we've been planting trees on our side, only recently putting in fruit and nut trees.

I have beekeeping in my near future. Been studying up on it for a while. Just been too busy with real life to make it happen yet.

We have a 2-year-old female Tibetan mastiff and a six-month-old male rough collie. I'm working on getting pictures up (grin)

Bird watching
Quantum mechanics (in an oh-wow sort of way)
Seeking the source of our subject/object duality
Magic and the power of Belief

DogSpirit has 3 friend(s)

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