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~* ❤ Daddy's Little Lassie 4Ever : S Rhoghal Mo Dream =Royal Is My Race Memor Esta= Be Mindful Virtutis gloria merces=Glory Is The Reward Of Valour ❤ (Don't send half naked or nude comments I'll delete them)

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
39 years old
California, Ireland, Scotland
United States
Profile Views: 355
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MEMBER SINCE: 01/20/2015
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 04/20/2015 18:48:19


My Pride and Joy. I miss the show ring and my four legged baby!

A Video created for me by my dad, who is no longer with us in this world. I will always miss him. I was told to pick out pictures I liked and the ones in the video are the ones I had picked.

To Graduate From College with a Wildlife Conservation/Zoology and Creative Writing Degree.

† ♦ Peace, Tranquility, Brotherhood & Sisterhood ♦ †

平和 静寂 兄弟愛 姉妹

† ♦ Loyalty, Respect,Trust, Help, Protection, Team work ♦ †

忠誠心 尊敬 信頼 支援 保護 チームワーク

Hello, everyone how are you? Minasan, konnichiwa ogenkidesuka? (みなさん、こんにちは、お元気ですか?) Dia duit gach duine, conas atá tú?
ღ Would You Offer Your Throat To A She Wolf With Red Roses? ღ

I'm EireArdaigh Greer Donaghy or Seraph/Mizuki Hayashi/Okami/CrimsonRose/Tamuril, and I'm 29 years old born around Yule also known as Christmas, year 1985. I'm a woman obviously lol. I have two beautiful little girls and a handsome step-son. I am married to my best friend, and soul mate Tatsuya aka Ryu/DragonsCry/Kalendith/Tatsuyomi. I live the lifestyle of a martial artist (Kung Fu & Swordsmanship traditional not modern), and a Belly dancer (Tribal & Cabaret). I am a very spiritual person,and follow God and Goddess following the beliefs of The Druids, Shinto Followers, and Christians (not the preachy sinning judgmental fakes.. but the real ones). I have an amazing sister, and two amazing little brothers who I miss and love dearly. The four of us don't get to see each other very often, but we manage. :D I have a wonderful family, and my Dad (will always be loved and missed) is from Glasgow, Scotland and is Scottish & Irish. My step dad is from Scotland as well and is Irish. He is known as Wicked on Boomersplace.

I am working towards fluency in Japanese, Scottish & Irish but still a beginner in all due to re starting the process of learning. I love to read, and write (stories, poetry, letters, lyrics, blogs) and I enjoy having long distance friends aka penpals from all over the world. I also love dragons just as much as I do wolves. I am into wildlife conservation, especially when it comes to protecting wolves. I enjoy anything relating to nature; mainly the forest and the ocean. I enjoy gaming, and co-managing my husband and I's family gaming community Angel Proxy Gaming ©, and our main projects are Vindictus, Aion, Blade N Soul, Black Desert, Bless Online and Warframe. I like anime, but only the ones that have a deep detailed and complex storyline with allot of good life lessons. I also Co-Manage our car performance, racing & enthusiast club © Division H (Honda).

I won't go to much into the other side of myself, which is very wolf angelic/elven like until a later time. The name for this is Elvish Wolf Kitsune Otherkin. The love of my life, my other half is a Dragon Therian Elven/Angelic Otherkin, and my sister is a Tiger Therian. Three spectacular close friends of mine, whom I have always considered family are all Wolf Therians, and long ago accepted me into their family environment. All of us have been this way our whole lives and have learned to deal with and blend with regular society. We are just us, and we are happy being who we are.

Not sure what else to put here at the moment, and would love to make some friends. =^.^=

[b]*Referred here by my Mom (known as CrowsKiss/Little_PhoenixDragon/Blackrose here) & Dad (Known as Rain here)*

My Soulmate and I (real life) on Second Life

People who think sexual relations should be done outside of true love and real commitment, and anything or anyone sleazy.

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