"If I fall short in completing the designated plan of God, it never stems from my lack of ability. When God speaks purpose into our soul, He will provide talents equal to His Will. Within our body of choice, we carry two fundamentals that have the power to prevent full measure of our predestined outcome.
One is our Lack of Connecting Belief (communication with God Firsthand) and the other is an element of "unresolved time" frozen within The Shadow of Our Unsubstantiated Fears. Nothing can separate us from Gods Love but our rewards come by The Things We DO IN OBEDIENCE TO HIS GUIDANCE. It’s time to alter bad attitudes. SEEK GOD’s THOUGHTS, FOLLOW HIS COMMAND and CLAIM HIS SUPERNATURAL HEALING."
Poverty Our Nation’s Next Epidemic~ Kathryn Gage
I'm a Christian Author.
I'm married and I have a step daughter and two children of my own. A precious daughter and wonderful son. We're blessed to have two grandsons and now two granddaughters. How wonderful God has been to our family!