Looking for my Sunshine
Female 72 years old Sanford, North Carolina United States Profile Views: 234
    [ 24415 ]
01/05/2013 18:45:01 |
I like movies that make me laugh, not into horror at all. Some I like: Never Been Kissed starring Drew Barrymore, Shreck, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Pride and Prejudice, Ladyhawke, Left Behind, Joshua, Jesus of Nazareth, I did like the last Batman movie. Also like some si fi movies. Some westerns I like were Tombstone, the Quick and the Dead. The best suspenseful movie I watch was Dead Again. So many more
My farvorites is the oldies but goodies. I like mainly music that stirs my soul. Makes me feel good, makes me want to get up and dance. Then l like music that makes me feel romantic and then I want to cuddle.
The Left Behind series, many books love to read.
reading, sewing, gardening
I am a easy going person. I am faithful, and honest. Interested in making new friends from all walks of life. I come from a large family. We are close knit and I enjoy our times together. We have family get togethers for all the holidays and in the summer we gather together for cook outs. I have 2 wonderful grown children and 2 little grand daughters that own a large portion of my heart. Of course the heart has a great capacity for love. I have plans in the near future to return to school to get a degree.
a smile, twinkling eyes, strongs arms, ....
meanness, rudeness, unclean, foul mouth