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~ A Playful Canadian Scorpio Dominant ~

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
113 years old
Profile Views: 1669
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MEMBER SINCE: 02/14/2011
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 10/04/2018 10:18:09

~ Cult and Action Films .. Extreme BDSM Flics ~

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~ Tech and BDSM Publications ~

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~ Most Generes ~

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~ Those Whom Protect O/our Freedoms and Democracy ~

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~ News and Technology ~

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~ upon the precipice of a certain darkness awaits the very torments that shall set you free ~

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♏ Who Am I ♏

I am ' DIVERSE ' - I like and appreciate diverse, interesting and open minded individuals ..

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♏ ABOUT Moi ♏

I'm A Wolf - THE Wolf and My attire is Wolve's clothing. In other words, I do NOT disguise nor hide who I am, what I'm about. I'm a Canadian Dominant / Lifestylist. I can be very flirtatious and playful albeit adventurous ~w medium sadistic tendencies. I'm grounded, ethical, fit, reasonably put together *winks and mainatain a SCORPIO's passion and compassion - STRAIGHT, Flexible ( I play vanilla just as well smiles ), Candid, hell Brazen even, Adventurous, Kinky, sometimes the very, very FREAKY and PRIMAL' Bad Boy. I've been described as Forceful, Aggressive, Commanding and Demanding yet observant & very caring in the same breath - It seems I've a ♥ heart ♥ smiles .. Currently, I'm divorced and by choice, reside alone ~w My kitty cat in My Domain.

I'm open to most fetishes and/or kinks, BUT personally frown upon Scat and detest Child Porn / Relative Activities. ( Do not misconstrue / confuse My being a Daddy Dominant ~w such activities ). I also care NOT for those whom feign to be something they are not. I also abhor drama and pettiness.

I'm Old Guard In My conception / perception and adherence to the core values of The Lifestyle, hence ' SSC ' ( Safe Sane and Consensual ) and will push the envelope when appropriate. I extend Respect to those Real, Genuine, Candid, Open Minded and Honest. I firmly accept the gift of ' submission ' as THE gift to be treated as such accordingly - held close, mentored, trained, nutured, respected and cherished.

I'm always interested as to what others are doing regarding the Lifestyle and/or other aspects of their lives and I'm open minded and out spoken ~w a wry / dry sense of humor yet very easy to approach.

To that end, feel free to engage Me - Ask ANYTHING* .. Always nice to meet new people - friends. I'm attracted to those whom are either in or out of The Lifestyle, candid, driven, honest, artistic, sensual, very open minded albeit ~w fetishes and a kinky and/or submissive persona .. Most of all, those GENUINE and REAL ..

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♏ Other Interests ♏

Beyond The Lifestyle, I work two jobs, freelance a third ( Computer Tech ). I dabble ~w photography, graphics ( most of the images -tags on this profile, created by Myself ), web design and technology.

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- ± Sîre ± / ♏asterUPtildawn

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MasterUPtildawn has 53 friend(s)

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01/07/2025 18:23:35


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